how many here, will never get married
I would like to get married because I enjoy the sentiment of it.
However, so long as I'm with my boyfriend, it's unlikely.
He doesn't see the point in legally binding yourself to another person. He (and I agree, I really do) believe that if you trust and and love another person, you don't need a legally binding contract to keep you together. He also doesn't like making promises for the future and being 'trapped' with another person, because you never know how things change. His parents went through a nasty divorce, and his aunt and uncle (who pretty much raised him from age 11 on) are Catholic conservatives that really do not like one another, but refuse to get a divorce because of their beliefs as well as fear of backlash from their community and family.
I appreciate and respect his reasoning. It makes a lot of sense.
But, I can't say I don't like the idea of being married.
I have been married 43 years.
I wish I never did that. Life just never turned out the way I had hoped.
If you have one option you have an obsession.
If you have two options you have a delema.
If you have three options you have a choice.
Look for three or more options.
"I'm not too crazy about reality, but it's the only place to get a decent meal.
I'd like to, but I doubt it'll happen. So much about myself I've got to improve and to make better before I'm a worthy catch for some woman out there. Gotta make more work, gotta be more successful, gotta improve as an athlete, fix my wardrobe, fix my personality, become more worldly and charismatic. There's a lot about me that needs to be fixed period before I think any woman would give me a second glance. But I'm getting there slowly but surely, improving myself until I'm ready and worthy of love.
Yeah, it's disheartening hearing so many women say they don't want marriage.
I would like to. But it's more a matter of not being able to find anyone. Can't, rather than won't, get married.
After fifteen years and four kids, I can give you a definition of marriage, or at least of "happy, healthy marriage" where "happy and healthy" is defined as low perceived stress, low conflict, everything looks OK.
It means that two people are on their "on-stage" behavior every waking moment of every day of their lives, with few exceptions. You go to work: You put on your 100% ABA-approved best. You come home to your spouse: You put on your 100% ABA-approved best. You say you are a stay-at-homer?? So am I. All day long, you interact with the children, and how you are around them shapes how they are, which shapes what people will see when they, in a few short months, go to preschool. All day long, you put on your 100% ABA-approved best, and you juggle balls and laugh and smile and enunciate perfectly while you do it (articulation is an important part of verbal development; if they don't have perfect articulation by age 3 and 1/2, weekly speech therapy will cost you $200 a month and a bunch of time if you have really great insurance-- trust me on this).
It means living a life where you cannot, even in your own home, metaphorically kick your shoes off, loosen your belt, fart if the urge seizes, and relax. If you do, you can guarantee that all hell will break loose in short order and it will, absolutely, be all your fault.
I was young and lonely and I loved him very, very much. Now I'm middle-aged and lonely and I still love him very, very much.
I'm afraid of him, I'm afraid for him, and I feel very guilty for having ruined his life and foolish for having taken everything my life could have been and allowed it to come to this. He never says as much, but even I can read nonverbal communication well enough to know he feels the same.
Don't get me started about how I feel about having brought four less-than-perfectly-perfect children into existence.
Since we have the kids and need each other to survive, we both seem to feel that the best route is to stay together. And the best way for us to make that peaceful is to communicate very carefully, very minimally, and only superficially, to control ourselves as if we were in a job interview at all times, and to deny the existence of any problem or difficulty until outside circumstances force us to confront it's existence. When that happens, one partner must get their way while the other one keeps their opinions to themselves and says it's wonderful.
Yes. I regret the decision. If I could go back to the day we decided to commit to each other and shack up in a run-down trailer and give it our damnedest to make it work, I would tell him that I thought it was not a viable plan, offer him a firm businesslike handshake, and walk away without a backward glance.
People should live in individual efficiency apartments. Children should be grown in laboratories. I used to hate it, but Brave New World is really the way to go.
Marriage-- NO! Polite acquaintanceship-- YES!
Children-- NO!! Sexual intercourse-- ONLY IF YOU ARE STERILIZED!! CELIBACY-- YES!!
"Alas, our dried voices when we whisper together are quiet and meaningless, as wind in dry grass, or rats' feet over broken glass in our dry cellar." --TS Eliot, "The Hollow Men"
I dont know if I'll marry. I could if I really wanted to. Right now in my life, I am no way ready, I have the social/emotional maturity of a teen. I'm amazed that some people my age are married with kids. For me, I figure the earliest I'll marry is 30. I still have so much more life to live before I tie myself down to commitments like that. I'm not even settled in a stable place, location wise. I'm going to be moving this Aug to CA to do my masters and after that, I might move again. Anyways, I lost out on the majority of my childhood, I'm not about to loose out on being a young adult as long as I can. Anyways not the expected response. Ok Im rambling here.
It means that two people are on their "on-stage" behavior every waking moment of every day of their lives, with few exceptions. You go to work: You put on your 100% ABA-approved best. You come home to your spouse: You put on your 100% ABA-approved best. You say you are a stay-at-homer?? So am I. All day long, you interact with the children, and how you are around them shapes how they are, which shapes what people will see when they, in a few short months, go to preschool. All day long, you put on your 100% ABA-approved best, and you juggle balls and laugh and smile and enunciate perfectly while you do it (articulation is an important part of verbal development; if they don't have perfect articulation by age 3 and 1/2, weekly speech therapy will cost you $200 a month and a bunch of time if you have really great insurance-- trust me on this).
It means living a life where you cannot, even in your own home, metaphorically kick your shoes off, loosen your belt, fart if the urge seizes, and relax. If you do, you can guarantee that all hell will break loose in short order and it will, absolutely, be all your fault.
I was young and lonely and I loved him very, very much. Now I'm middle-aged and lonely and I still love him very, very much.
I'm afraid of him, I'm afraid for him, and I feel very guilty for having ruined his life and foolish for having taken everything my life could have been and allowed it to come to this. He never says as much, but even I can read nonverbal communication well enough to know he feels the same.
Don't get me started about how I feel about having brought four less-than-perfectly-perfect children into existence.
Since we have the kids and need each other to survive, we both seem to feel that the best route is to stay together. And the best way for us to make that peaceful is to communicate very carefully, very minimally, and only superficially, to control ourselves as if we were in a job interview at all times, and to deny the existence of any problem or difficulty until outside circumstances force us to confront it's existence. When that happens, one partner must get their way while the other one keeps their opinions to themselves and says it's wonderful.
Yes. I regret the decision. If I could go back to the day we decided to commit to each other and shack up in a run-down trailer and give it our damnedest to make it work, I would tell him that I thought it was not a viable plan, offer him a firm businesslike handshake, and walk away without a backward glance.
People should live in individual efficiency apartments. Children should be grown in laboratories. I used to hate it, but Brave New World is really the way to go.
Marriage-- NO! Polite acquaintanceship-- YES!
Children-- NO!! Sexual intercourse-- ONLY IF YOU ARE STERILIZED!! CELIBACY-- YES!!
I don't even know what to say to this. You hate things, and love them at the same time, and I can't understand how.
For me it is,
Get married because I want to know I am what a woman wants. I want to be a good Father. I want to be a good Husband. I want to have children, and raise them well. I want to know I am the only thing a woman needs to have a good sex life. I want to because not many aspies do, and I want to show that an aspie can be just as successful as an NT. I want to love and be loved. I want to be able to talk to my wife about things only I can talk to her about. I want to make a woman feel safe when she is feeling alone. I want to be able to be what she needs me to be. I want to know that I did good in my time in this world. I want to make an example to my younger siblings, that they may know how. I want to be the one who walks my daughter down the isle, if I am so blessed to have one. I want to teach my son, if I ever have one, to stand up for those being bullied, and to make sure he treats ladies with respect, and does not take advantage of them. I want to have a family. I want to be able to give these things to my wife whether it be 15 children, or any variable in between. I want to feel adequate, and no more inadequate crud. I want to be an encouragement to other people. I want to be able to share my knowledge with someone who is willing to listen.
That is why I want to get married.
comedic burp
I doubt I will ever get married, sometimes I just want to crawl away and let the world swallow me up.
"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe: Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion; I've watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time; like tears in rain. Time to die." Roy Batty
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