BlueMax wrote:
PsychoSarah wrote:
BlueMax wrote:
Yep. There's no glory in "bagging the unwanted"... only in scoring 10's.
*gag* Such a revolting concept... "love" means nothing to these people, only personal gain.
I could argue that, if a guy is unattractive, then "bagging" an 8 could be considered brag worthy.
No argument there... people often feel good about scoring above their own class. (Not that I think that way...)
It would certainly seem that a "5" is more infatuated/attracted to an "8" than a "7" would... and a "9" would be stepping down...
(I find the whole thing
galling... but that seems to be the social world we live in. This stuff is really important to them, even if they'll never admit it.)
It's primarily genetics - people seeking the healthiest genes for any potential baby, which is meant to be the ultimate aim of a relationship (from a biological imperative viewpoint)
In relationships where no baby is produced it's all irrelevant and meaningless but the rules still hold as that's what our brains are wired to do
I hate it in myself but I've been as guilty as anyone else of likeing the better looking person over the kinder, nicer but less good looking one
Ironically though, it I'd stayed with the nice kind person instead of having a fling with the better looking one, I might have got married and had children so that's not worked out well (or perhaps it has if it's kept my autistic genes out of the gene pool?)
I was evidently 'meant' to make sure I got pregnant by this other person but I didn't want children.
Do people with defective genes subconsciously self-sabotage as a kind of self-sacrifice on behalf of the species?
(Speaking from a point of view that the form of whatever I have isn't a particularly beneficial one from an evolutionary viewpoint, not saying autism per se is a bad thing)