You dont need flowers for romance, you need to care for your partners desires for romance, not for the desires of a cheap lovebook clishee. If a woman likes flowers, than its a good thing. And if she dont, there is no need for them and also no need for nonsense like telling "You are a woman. You have to liek flowers! Else I call the romantic police!"
And there is also no need to ask us if we like flowers, because these informations has no use for you in an relationship with another girl. Simply ask her then if SHE likes flowers. ^^
I dont hate flowers, I simply dont care for them. I cant do anything with that stuff, specially, when its about cutted flowers that will die anyway. What I hate is, that I am supposed to act in a certain way, when getting that stuff, or that people even blame you because of you not getting weird about flowers. Its as dumb as if I would make a boy allegations, because of him not liking Counter Strike. " are a boy, so you are supposed to like Counter Strike and to be happy about the Counter Strike present I bought. NO I DONT CARE IF YOU DONT HAVE ANY USE FOR IT BECAUSE OF YOU NOT PLAYING COUNTERS STRIKE! Because I am an as*hole and I dont care for you, so I am not interested to inform myself about what YOU like. Thats much to complicated. You simply have to like what I bought you, because according to statistic you have to love it and now shut up you ungrateful worm!"
Sorry, but there are really guys like that out there, that blame you for them buying a present without infroming themselves before if you like that, and then you get the blames for being a Nazi-feminist, or complicate or whatever.
Its romantic to buy someone something he cares for. Whats so complicated about that? Sure, when you meet for the first time, you cant know so much, so you simply buy standard stuff and if your wrong its not bad thing, because people couldnt know each other before. But blaming another person for you not being interested in your partner, and so simply buying some useless stuff, nobody needs, and then blaming the partner for you being ignorant, is a joke. I never understood, why I should be happy for being presented with some stuff, I dont care for? The cause why I love my partner is that he cares for the things I like. So instead of flowers I get marzipan roses at valentines day, because I love marzipan. And he gets maronite hearts from me, because he loves maronite.