thewhitrbbit wrote:
You need to put yourself in situations to meet people. As a woman, you do have the advantage that society expects men to approach you.
Are you not encountering this?
You will here this prejudice again and again. If you instead want to relie on scientific databases: NT-men expect you to send them unspoken signals by eye- and bodylanguage, that tells them that you agree with them approaching you and talk to you. That can be a bit of a problem for ans Apergerwoman,, because it means to send a men a signal that you agree with his interest to talk to you, you first have to recognize yourself by his eye- and bodylanguage, that he is interested to do so. So if you lack with recognizing and sending eye- and bodylanguage, this can be a hard task for you.
So there are guys, that do not accept this social rules and simply speak to any woman they meet, because they want to insist on their unscientific theory, that they are the poor victims that they have to approach all day women that didnt sent them signals to approach them, to feel as victims, but the thing is: Do you want a boyfriend that doesnt have the respect to knock on someones door, and wait until someone tells him to enter?
My advice would be: Increase your social contacts by going to hobby-groupmeetings and so on. (If you are a comicfan as example cons and forums and so on...). And when you are uncertain if someone sends you signals (I never was able to recognize them.) then ask another person, what he/she thinks that the person you are unsure about thinks about you. Normally they will give you little tips like: "It seems to me, that he likes you/is interested in you." and so on. As I said, I had struggles recognizing such signals, so once I was in a hobby club and it seemed that two boys were sending me signals for more then one year, and everyone thought I would know about that, and when finally someone asked me about it, I was completly surprised and didnt even know how to handle it. Specially, when I had a boyfriend around that time, what everyone knew.
men will still approach is sex.