Yeah, the money thing. It cracks me up when college age guys think women want them for their money. What money? At that age, money shouldn't even be an issue, and guys, if you're working hard at uni, and some gal says something about a guy being a brokeass loser, don't even consider them--they are a waste of oxygen.
And don't believe most women want a guy with LOTS of money. In this day and age, young women have the resources to materially treat their boys, and you guys should drop such hints. If a gal wants chocolates or flowers, why can't a guy want a new cd, or dinner at the steakhouse, or hell, choccies, too.
I was raised by a woman who believed in equality, and that meant taking care of your guy. That meant protecting him from some job that might make a lot of money, but kill him from stress or chemical pollution, to eat right, to get him those things he might not buy for himself, but keeps looking at in the sales papers, or when he's in the electronic section at the store. That also meant accepting him for what he is, and that if he contributes his share, that should be perfectly fine, and that means if he's doing a job he loves, but isn't making megawads of cash, and he's good, that's all that counts, because he ain't the only one in the relationship.
Now, this is for a long-term relationship, and I don't know how many of you young men are interested in that kind of deal, especially as so many of you are students, and you already have a lot on your plate. If you want casual sex, well, that's going to take skills, and you have to figure that out.
I occasionally like a Pepper.
Metta, Rjaye