Joined: 11 Nov 2011
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She's screaming about how "I DON"T FEEL SAFE HERE!" and won't give one damn example of who said what to make her feel unsafe, and also how she feels unsafe on a damn computer anyway. A lot of the things she says are way over the top and unreal, like comparing a guy kissing a girl when he thought she liked him to rape. Please. Come on. Come the f**k on, will ya? Can you not see thats over the top? It's not even in the same satellite range as reality. That kinda thing is what got me and other folks going about this. At first it was just amusement and then it became annoying and since she says women should speak up when something doesn't sit right with them, I did. To her. This is not a cause. This is not an issue. This is not a rights violation or a hate crime or bullying that she's bitching over. She dislikes the ideas of some douchebags. However, wouldn't the definition of douchebag be person you don't like the ideas of to begin with? So ok. She's tried to play it up and talk it up and turn it into something it's not. It's not sexism. It's not discrimination. The fact that a few gullible people fell for what she said (and I do think she honestly believes what she says too) doesn't make it a movement or an underground or a revolution or anything at all other than the fact that she got offended by some as*holes and decided to try and turn it into something it wasn't.
She wants to talk about how she doesn't feel safe here cause some loser can't get laid and complains about women, I'll give you not safe. I damn sure will. Shortly after I got here I said something that folks didn't like (surprise!) and somebody sent me a PM saying he wanted to kill me. Not that he would mind you, but that he wanted to. I told him where I lived and let it go. That is unsafe, not liking some dudes ranting about being alone is not being unsafe.
I'm not bullying her either. Everytime I've ever brought any of this up, I've usually tried to explain myself and my point, and tried to discuss it with them but neither will. I have no ill will towards either and no problem with them being offended by things I'm not offended by, but they won't really do much of anything except twist and shrill and spin what I say and such and never, ever, actually try to get my point even though I have tried to get theirs. So yeah. I said it and I went there. She wants to b***h about how it hurts her that lonely guys here b***h about us all in general then I get to b***h about how I don't like what she's saying on here.
Jerk or not, I'm actually right.
Just because you say your intent is not to bully doesn't mean you aren't being a bully. You're making fun of people because they don't think the same as you, sounds like bullying to me, whether you see it or not. I'm sorry that someone sent you a pm saying they want to kill you, but I don't see how that changes the experience of others on this site.
You may not be the only person laughing, but the 2 people in particular that you seem to enjoy targeting aren't the only ones on the other side of the issue, they're just the most vocal. I"m aware that there are some who don't say anything (I'm guessing because they don't want to be made fun of by people like you--or to be laughed at like their views don't matter), but I guess they are just weak and they should learn to be a jerk like you so that they can be stronger people and be happier, right?
I'm going to have to strongly disagree about how right you are.
You tried to argue reasonably before...that's funny. "I tried to argue reasonably at first, but they wouldn't see how right I was, so now I just make public jokes at their expense and belittle them and their ideas whenever I get the chance." CLASSIC bully. And don't say that your intent isn't to make fun of them because clearly that's not the case.
I know the thread you are referring to where someone supposedly equated accidentally kissing someone to rape, but that's not really how it happened. What they said was that it might be a better practice to ask someone before kissing them, if the alternative is to do something that could result in the sexual assault of another person. If you walk up to someone and kiss them because you thought they were giving you signals and you were wrong it "could" be seen as sexual assault depending on how that person feels about it. You're touching someone in a sexual way when they didn't want to be touched by you. Maybe that person isn't going to go running to the police just because someone tried to kiss them when they didn't want to be kissed, but that doesn't change what it is.
You can choose to disagree, if you like, but that still doesn't make it okay to be a raging a**hole to people who view it differently than you.
Not a bully here, sorry. Just debating and arguing and kinda joking around. Your issues nor anyone else's issues will ever chance what I mean to say and how I'm hoping it's taken. I really, really want to make a joke right now. It's not bullying, it just fits. How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb? That's not funny. See?
As for the kissing, well here goes probably a big bunch of wasted typing, but..... It's not walking up to just somebody and kissing them. Who the f**k does that? That's insane! It was about a guy thinking the girl he was with liked him too so he kissed her. The worst that happens if you can't duck or move back from a kiss (in the situation the guy was talking about, not with the girl being held down on a pool table in a locked basement by three other guys) is that it's awkward. Then you have to explain that you don't like him like that. It's not rape. Nowehere near rape and probably a slap in the face to anybody that was raped if you suggest it is! So that pretty much wraps my thoughts about his situation up.
I'm also not raging and haven't gotten mean at all. I'm actually pretty calm and helping my daughter roll out the fondant she's making for the baby shower cake she's baking tomorrow for a friend of hers. My oldest daughter is in culinary school in college and wants to be a pastry chef. She's going back for an advanced degree in pastry arts after she gets her degree in culinary arts. I know this doesn't fit with the Spam recipes or anything, but we are in Alabama and thats not at all what they teach her in school about food. So, the reason I'm helping her roll it out at 11:30 at night was that she had made a batch of red fondant for the topping and set it to dry way back on the kitchen table. My youngest son (19) has this big puppy and that damn puppy got up there and ate it off the table! Nobody thought he could reach it, but oh yes, he could! So, she had to make more and start over and was tired and mad and wanted some help with it. I am mad at the dog, but not raging at him. I just put him outside. I'm not actually mad at anybody right now. I am a bit put out over needing to sit up for a few hours to guard the fondant from the puppy though. But, that's life and if thats the worst I have to deal with (it's not at all) then I'm happy.
I honestly know I come across as a total f*****g b***h. However, I'm really not. Honestly, I'm not. I'm used to people taking me that way though, and it doesn't bother me much anymore, so thats why I'm so calm about it. I do think that maybe I come across like some drunk dude just picking at you to piss you off, but I've been around those so much that I probably just communicate that way. Also, I love sarcasm as does my whole family and we really like to make dark jokes about things and even joke on each other, but not to hurt them. Nobody gets hurt with that, and if they do they certainly tell me or my husband and the person who said it has to be told and apologize. I'm careful, or try to be, but maybe my kids look at things in more of a jaundiced eye than you do. I ALWAYS look for the humor in a situation. ALWAYS. It's my way of dealing with s**t. Even if it's sarcastic dark humor, it is still humor.
I will tell you this though, about being a b***h. When I first got this way, back in maybe my late 20's, it hurt me that people felt that way about me if they didn't know me. But, over time and by seeing the results, I found out that nobody f****d with me anymore like they used to. It made itself known to me as a win win situation. People who actually wanted to get to know me found out I wasn't this horrible, mean, scary b***h and they were nice. Those who didn't care enough or want to get to know me or give me the benefit of the doubt were mostly people who would have been sh***y to have in my life anyway. It kept away the people who would just cause more trouble than the ones I already have around me do. I would also rather have people dislike me for being a b***h or afraid of me than I would me be afraid of rejection from them or hurt from them. My family ad friends don't feel that way about me. They know that I'll do anything in this world for them and would bend over backwards to keep from hurting their feelings. I have some friends who are very sensitive so I watch what I say to them. But, they know and many have asked, for me to go with them to this, make that phone call for that, or just have their back when they need it. They know that I get where they are coming from and so I'll go balls to the wall for them, which is what they would want to do themselves if they had the ability to do so. I don't push them to do more than they are able to either. But, I also wouldn't sit around and listen to them try and work something that upset them into a major issue that needs attention from everybody else to fix either. I'd hope that if I ever did that, that somebody would give me a damn clue that I was just going overboard.
I'm happy being this way. I really am. I don't get walked over or stepped on or taken advantage of, and I know that if somebody acts like they like me then they really do like me. I also get to use a lot of sarcasm and so many nonprofanity colorful phrases too! I'm just called eccentric down here. That's all. I don't really give a rodent's rectum either way whether or not you do or don't like or believe me, I do just like to always explain what I mean though. And I did.
How I can hold no ill will against them and laugh at them here (from your other post) is because if I was laughing at something real, like a health problem or maybe a stutter, or just didn't like them and joked about their bad luck that was being a real pain in the ass to them at the time, then that would be ill will. I'd be doing it to piss them off. Playing to them. Saying "Hey, I said that so what you gonna do now? Nothing!" and that is bullying. I'm saying this to the other people who are laughing at it. Nobody wants something bad to happen to either of them. Or you. Cause I might joke on you soon, I don't know. But, most of us actually wish that the people in question would pull their heads out of their asses and get a f*****g clue. Talking about it to them doesn't work. Humor might. Sometimes, laughing at yourself does help and before you ask how I would feel it I was laughed at, I'm the FIRST to laugh at my screw ups and stupid stuff. Maybe seeing it in this light will turn that switch for them. Who knows? Either way, it's ridiculous and lots of people think it's funny, because it's NOT AN ISSUE. Also, theres a shedload of irony in it too. And irony is funny as well, don't you think? If they get mad or hurt feelings from this, whatever. I'm picking on one thing, not them in general. Trust me, if I wanted to bully them or pick on them, you'd see some seriously mean stuff and probably a ban on me, but I don't. I'm laughing at something they did, and are continuing to do even though many others are publicaly pointing out how silly it is.
Also, I used to write op-ed for a paper when we lived in the city. My spelling sucks and I'm all over the place now because I type here like I'm talking to you. I'm not "writing writing". But, I learned then that when you want to make a point, and it was my job to make a point and score for the liberals in my columns, then you pull no punches and you shoot straight and hit hard and get it out there. I did that then, and usually my point was taken even though I pissed off a shedload of Republicans most of the time (probably because I made fun of them after looking for something ironic or stupid to make fun of) and when I go to make a point now, whether it's in person or in type, I do it the same way. I'm not going after the person, I'm going after the point, the opinion (as is SA and T btw) the issue, the one thing that is out there upsetting people. If I were on here and my husband, child, best friend or whoever was on here and I disagreed with them and was debating and carrying on an online disagreement, I would be the same exact way to them. Knowing me already, they wouldn't be offended. My kids can do this as good as I can although my husband wouldn't say s**t if he had a mouthfull, and my friends who can't throw down the word gauntlet very well, I cut some slack because it's unfair otherwise. But, this is me. This is me typing to you, to those who think this whole sexism on WP thing is the stupidest s**t since Eurodisney, to those who don't care either way but love a good argument, thats my audience here. I've stopped addressing those doing it because they don't and won't listen or discuss. They have the "shoot first" mentality when it comes to disagreement, in my opinion. I could say a LOT, but I won't. I'm very observant about things and notice many things, and discuss them with others who noticed them too, but none of us say it here. Why? Cause we have no ill will toward them!
I'm very, very sure none of what I said was actually heard like I meant it to be by you, so that's ok. I know when I don't have a chance at getting people to believe that I'm sincere and I know when I'm kicking a dead horse (please don't accuse me of bullying Bronies or other MLP fans by that figure of speech) so I know you have me forever in your opinion as a mean, bullying jerk and possibly a sexist. It's fine. I can't change your mind. You can't change mine. Nobody can change anyone elses, but they can talk about why they think differently about things. At least I got to say my peace, which is something I really like for everybody to be able to do, even if we disagree.
Wish me luck with keeping the puppy out of the new fondant please! (I never ate it again when I found out it was just mainly Crisco and powdered sugar - and you would kinda think that would make it appeal to me, but Crisco is kind of gross to me)
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
My forum is still there and everyone is welcome to come join as well. There is a private women only subforum there if anyone is interested. Also, there is no CAPTCHA.
The link to the forum is
Joined: 11 Nov 2011
Age: 60
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Cool, ty! I've been mainly helping my daughter with the replacement fondant tonight (see the last part of my above yammering and I explain that there) or looking at FB. I have a few PM's here to read too, so I'll be getting to that in a minute or thirty when I don't have to get up every 3 minutes and do something lol, and it gets quieter so I can think.
Plus, Vicky has obviously thrown down the gauntlet, slapped me in the typeface with a glove, twisted my panties into a knot and even peed on my cinnamon toast, so I must contemplate some fitting retribution for her first, but I promise you that I'll get to my messages ASAP.
I'm wondering if maybe she had put out a hit on our dog that I discussed earlier in the Haven. Hmmmmm...........
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
My forum is still there and everyone is welcome to come join as well. There is a private women only subforum there if anyone is interested. Also, there is no CAPTCHA.
The link to the forum is
Joined: 11 Nov 2011
Age: 60
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Location: About 50 miles past the middle of nowhere
Frances, you leave me no choice! [ read that line with a hiss, and a slithering forked tongue, like that snake in the pre 70's garden of Eden, except I am not a snake] It is pink! It is wallet-sized! It is covered in nauseating ribbons! It is LAMINATED for gosh sakes! Yes! I have no choice but to pull out the cancer card! Both my uterus and and my vagina are head and shoulders above yours [ don't even THINK about questioning my knowledge of anatomy]
Do you honestly believe that I missed your thinly veiled reference to my reconstructed, cold as ice fake breasts with your fanc y smanshy talk of eating 2 scoops of freezing mounds of ice cream. I KNOW that you are dairy intolerant! And my husband does not touch my mounds and think "talk about colder than a witches tit!" NO! He thinks about beautiful pink Hostess snowballs,each topped with a hersheys kiss and filled with luscious cream filling. That'll show you!
Oh no you didn't! You did NOT! I have mentioned I don't know how many times that I want a boob job and also a hysterectomy to stop this bleeding and you flaunt all that in my face!! !! Just because I think you are a sexist!! !
Oh yes, garden of Eden is right, you serpent! I bet you even shop at the Adam and Eve store and smoke Eve cigarettes just because they remind you of the good old days when you condemned mankind forever with original sin.
I'm NOT dairy intolerant, I just don't like milk. It's cow mucus. All milk is mucus. I also f*****g HATE SNOWBALLS!! !! I can't stand marshmellow or coconut either. You are nothing more than a low down, dirty fighting, poopeyhead! Or possibly a twatwaffle. I like the word twatwaffle and don't use it enough, I think. And you probably make crappy toaster waffles too, on top of that, so HA!
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
My forum is still there and everyone is welcome to come join as well. There is a private women only subforum there if anyone is interested. Also, there is no CAPTCHA.
The link to the forum is
She's screaming about how "I DON"T FEEL SAFE HERE!" and won't give one damn example of who said what to make her feel unsafe, and also how she feels unsafe on a damn computer anyway. A lot of the things she says are way over the top and unreal, like comparing a guy kissing a girl when he thought she liked him to rape. Please. Come on. Come the f**k on, will ya? Can you not see thats over the top? It's not even in the same satellite range as reality. That kinda thing is what got me and other folks going about this. At first it was just amusement and then it became annoying and since she says women should speak up when something doesn't sit right with them, I did. To her. This is not a cause. This is not an issue. This is not a rights violation or a hate crime or bullying that she's bitching over. She dislikes the ideas of some douchebags. However, wouldn't the definition of douchebag be person you don't like the ideas of to begin with? So ok. She's tried to play it up and talk it up and turn it into something it's not. It's not sexism. It's not discrimination. The fact that a few gullible people fell for what she said (and I do think she honestly believes what she says too) doesn't make it a movement or an underground or a revolution or anything at all other than the fact that she got offended by some as*holes and decided to try and turn it into something it wasn't.
She wants to talk about how she doesn't feel safe here cause some loser can't get laid and complains about women, I'll give you not safe. I damn sure will. Shortly after I got here I said something that folks didn't like (surprise!) and somebody sent me a PM saying he wanted to kill me. Not that he would mind you, but that he wanted to. I told him where I lived and let it go. That is unsafe, not liking some dudes ranting about being alone is not being unsafe.
I'm not bullying her either. Everytime I've ever brought any of this up, I've usually tried to explain myself and my point, and tried to discuss it with them but neither will. I have no ill will towards either and no problem with them being offended by things I'm not offended by, but they won't really do much of anything except twist and shrill and spin what I say and such and never, ever, actually try to get my point even though I have tried to get theirs. So yeah. I said it and I went there. She wants to b***h about how it hurts her that lonely guys here b***h about us all in general then I get to b***h about how I don't like what she's saying on here.
Jerk or not, I'm actually right.
Just because you say your intent is not to bully doesn't mean you aren't being a bully. You're making fun of people because they don't think the same as you, sounds like bullying to me, whether you see it or not. I'm sorry that someone sent you a pm saying they want to kill you, but I don't see how that changes the experience of others on this site.
You may not be the only person laughing, but the 2 people in particular that you seem to enjoy targeting aren't the only ones on the other side of the issue, they're just the most vocal. I"m aware that there are some who don't say anything (I'm guessing because they don't want to be made fun of by people like you--or to be laughed at like their views don't matter), but I guess they are just weak and they should learn to be a jerk like you so that they can be stronger people and be happier, right?
I'm going to have to strongly disagree about how right you are.
You tried to argue reasonably before...that's funny. "I tried to argue reasonably at first, but they wouldn't see how right I was, so now I just make public jokes at their expense and belittle them and their ideas whenever I get the chance." CLASSIC bully. And don't say that your intent isn't to make fun of them because clearly that's not the case.
I know the thread you are referring to where someone supposedly equated accidentally kissing someone to rape, but that's not really how it happened. What they said was that it might be a better practice to ask someone before kissing them, if the alternative is to do something that could result in the sexual assault of another person. If you walk up to someone and kiss them because you thought they were giving you signals and you were wrong it "could" be seen as sexual assault depending on how that person feels about it. You're touching someone in a sexual way when they didn't want to be touched by you. Maybe that person isn't going to go running to the police just because someone tried to kiss them when they didn't want to be kissed, but that doesn't change what it is.
You can choose to disagree, if you like, but that still doesn't make it okay to be a raging a**hole to people who view it differently than you.
Not a bully here, sorry. Just debating and arguing and kinda joking around. Your issues nor anyone else's issues will ever chance what I mean to say and how I'm hoping it's taken. I really, really want to make a joke right now. It's not bullying, it just fits. How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb? That's not funny. See?
As for the kissing, well here goes probably a big bunch of wasted typing, but..... It's not walking up to just somebody and kissing them. Who the f**k does that? That's insane! It was about a guy thinking the girl he was with liked him too so he kissed her. The worst that happens if you can't duck or move back from a kiss (in the situation the guy was talking about, not with the girl being held down on a pool table in a locked basement by three other guys) is that it's awkward. Then you have to explain that you don't like him like that. It's not rape. Nowehere near rape and probably a slap in the face to anybody that was raped if you suggest it is! So that pretty much wraps my thoughts about his situation up.
I'm also not raging and haven't gotten mean at all. I'm actually pretty calm and helping my daughter roll out the fondant she's making for the baby shower cake she's baking tomorrow for a friend of hers. My oldest daughter is in culinary school in college and wants to be a pastry chef. She's going back for an advanced degree in pastry arts after she gets her degree in culinary arts. I know this doesn't fit with the Spam recipes or anything, but we are in Alabama and thats not at all what they teach her in school about food. So, the reason I'm helping her roll it out at 11:30 at night was that she had made a batch of red fondant for the topping and set it to dry way back on the kitchen table. My youngest son (19) has this big puppy and that damn puppy got up there and ate it off the table! Nobody thought he could reach it, but oh yes, he could! So, she had to make more and start over and was tired and mad and wanted some help with it. I am mad at the dog, but not raging at him. I just put him outside. I'm not actually mad at anybody right now. I am a bit put out over needing to sit up for a few hours to guard the fondant from the puppy though. But, that's life and if thats the worst I have to deal with (it's not at all) then I'm happy.
I honestly know I come across as a total f***ing b***h. However, I'm really not. Honestly, I'm not. I'm used to people taking me that way though, and it doesn't bother me much anymore, so thats why I'm so calm about it. I do think that maybe I come across like some drunk dude just picking at you to piss you off, but I've been around those so much that I probably just communicate that way. Also, I love sarcasm as does my whole family and we really like to make dark jokes about things and even joke on each other, but not to hurt them. Nobody gets hurt with that, and if they do they certainly tell me or my husband and the person who said it has to be told and apologize. I'm careful, or try to be, but maybe my kids look at things in more of a jaundiced eye than you do. I ALWAYS look for the humor in a situation. ALWAYS. It's my way of dealing with sh**. Even if it's sarcastic dark humor, it is still humor.
I will tell you this though, about being a b***h. When I first got this way, back in maybe my late 20's, it hurt me that people felt that way about me if they didn't know me. But, over time and by seeing the results, I found out that nobody f**** with me anymore like they used to. It made itself known to me as a win win situation. People who actually wanted to get to know me found out I wasn't this horrible, mean, scary b***h and they were nice. Those who didn't care enough or want to get to know me or give me the benefit of the doubt were mostly people who would have been sh***y to have in my life anyway. It kept away the people who would just cause more trouble than the ones I already have around me do. I would also rather have people dislike me for being a b***h or afraid of me than I would me be afraid of rejection from them or hurt from them. My family ad friends don't feel that way about me. They know that I'll do anything in this world for them and would bend over backwards to keep from hurting their feelings. I have some friends who are very sensitive so I watch what I say to them. But, they know and many have asked, for me to go with them to this, make that phone call for that, or just have their back when they need it. They know that I get where they are coming from and so I'll go balls to the wall for them, which is what they would want to do themselves if they had the ability to do so. I don't push them to do more than they are able to either. But, I also wouldn't sit around and listen to them try and work something that upset them into a major issue that needs attention from everybody else to fix either. I'd hope that if I ever did that, that somebody would give me a damn clue that I was just going overboard.
I'm happy being this way. I really am. I don't get walked over or stepped on or taken advantage of, and I know that if somebody acts like they like me then they really do like me. I also get to use a lot of sarcasm and so many nonprofanity colorful phrases too! I'm just called eccentric down here. That's all. I don't really give a rodent's rectum either way whether or not you do or don't like or believe me, I do just like to always explain what I mean though. And I did.
How I can hold no ill will against them and laugh at them here (from your other post) is because if I was laughing at something real, like a health problem or maybe a stutter, or just didn't like them and joked about their bad luck that was being a real pain in the ass to them at the time, then that would be ill will. I'd be doing it to piss them off. Playing to them. Saying "Hey, I said that so what you gonna do now? Nothing!" and that is bullying. I'm saying this to the other people who are laughing at it. Nobody wants something bad to happen to either of them. Or you. Cause I might joke on you soon, I don't know. But, most of us actually wish that the people in question would pull their heads out of their asses and get a f***ing clue. Talking about it to them doesn't work. Humor might. Sometimes, laughing at yourself does help and before you ask how I would feel it I was laughed at, I'm the FIRST to laugh at my screw ups and stupid stuff. Maybe seeing it in this light will turn that switch for them. Who knows? Either way, it's ridiculous and lots of people think it's funny, because it's NOT AN ISSUE. Also, theres a shedload of irony in it too. And irony is funny as well, don't you think? If they get mad or hurt feelings from this, whatever. I'm picking on one thing, not them in general. Trust me, if I wanted to bully them or pick on them, you'd see some seriously mean stuff and probably a ban on me, but I don't. I'm laughing at something they did, and are continuing to do even though many others are publicaly pointing out how silly it is.
Also, I used to write op-ed for a paper when we lived in the city. My spelling sucks and I'm all over the place now because I type here like I'm talking to you. I'm not "writing writing". But, I learned then that when you want to make a point, and it was my job to make a point and score for the liberals in my columns, then you pull no punches and you shoot straight and hit hard and get it out there. I did that then, and usually my point was taken even though I pissed off a shedload of Republicans most of the time (probably because I made fun of them after looking for something ironic or stupid to make fun of) and when I go to make a point now, whether it's in person or in type, I do it the same way. I'm not going after the person, I'm going after the point, the opinion (as is SA and T btw) the issue, the one thing that is out there upsetting people. If I were on here and my husband, child, best friend or whoever was on here and I disagreed with them and was debating and carrying on an online disagreement, I would be the same exact way to them. Knowing me already, they wouldn't be offended. My kids can do this as good as I can although my husband wouldn't say sh** if he had a mouthfull, and my friends who can't throw down the word gauntlet very well, I cut some slack because it's unfair otherwise. But, this is me. This is me typing to you, to those who think this whole sexism on WP thing is the stupidest sh** since Eurodisney, to those who don't care either way but love a good argument, thats my audience here. I've stopped addressing those doing it because they don't and won't listen or discuss. They have the "shoot first" mentality when it comes to disagreement, in my opinion. I could say a LOT, but I won't. I'm very observant about things and notice many things, and discuss them with others who noticed them too, but none of us say it here. Why? Cause we have no ill will toward them!
I'm very, very sure none of what I said was actually heard like I meant it to be by you, so that's ok. I know when I don't have a chance at getting people to believe that I'm sincere and I know when I'm kicking a dead horse (please don't accuse me of bullying Bronies or other MLP fans by that figure of speech) so I know you have me forever in your opinion as a mean, bullying jerk and possibly a sexist. It's fine. I can't change your mind. You can't change mine. Nobody can change anyone elses, but they can talk about why they think differently about things. At least I got to say my peace, which is something I really like for everybody to be able to do, even if we disagree.
Wish me luck with keeping the puppy out of the new fondant please! (I never ate it again when I found out it was just mainly Crisco and powdered sugar - and you would kinda think that would make it appeal to me, but Crisco is kind of gross to me)
You see, when you're making a joke at someone else's expense, it's ONLY funny for you and not the other person, unless they are in on it, which clearly they are not, 'cause I"m pretty sure the people you're directing your jokes at don't think it's very funny, and I'm sorry, but that makes it mean, I"m not sure why you don't see that. So you can feel free to keep saying that you haven't been mean at all, and maybe, JUST maybe, someday it will magically become true and we can all live happily ever after in the Magical Kingdom of Make-Believe.
I do believe that you believe you're not mean, but that's about it I'm afraid. I'm only trying to point out the unnecessary meanness that I sometimes see you employing, often for no other reason than the fact that you disagree with someone because you don't seem to notice it at all, but I think I'm probably just wasting my breath at this point...
"There are things known, and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception."
--Aldous Huxley
Joined: 11 Nov 2011
Age: 60
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Posts: 11,447
Location: About 50 miles past the middle of nowhere
I'm not directing my jokes at them. Not one bit. Not only would that be a moot point, but I think they may be busy changing that light bulb in the humorless feminist joke from earlier. No Maam. I'm directing my jokes ABOUT THEIR POSTS (not THEM, but their posts and issue idea) to other people.
If I hadn't tried to discuss this with them first, and nobody else had either, and I just decided to read it and jump in and make fun, that would be mean. I've gotten as good as I've given on this topic, so don't try to make me out as the much loved and popular cheerleader who no one dares to speak a word against. Forget that. It's give and take. We are all arguing. We are all saying crap about each other and each others opinions and sometimes there's a bit of dirty fighting but not too much. Who is actually hurt by this? I'm not. You're not.
If someone wants to raise a topic that they know will have disagreement, and they want to discuss it, argue it, defend it (all good stuff in my opinion and I'm totally down for it because debate rocks) and then push to put official policy that will effect (however it's spelled!) others in place to enforce their beliefs on that issue, then if whoever raises that issue publicly must certainly know that they will get some flack on it. I disagree with it and I'm giving flack. You never saw any type of political satire, sometimes pretty mean, in any type of media ever? It's a common way to show your feelings (or your party's feelings) on the issue and to make a joke of it. However, I actually think this issue is laughable, but it's done in serious national political fights all the time. Every single day. Yes, people get upset when somebody pooh pooh's their pity party parade permit, but if the actual issue is something viable, needed, beneficial and popular, then it will stand on its own throughout the editorials and cartoons and angry letters to the editor, etc. In those situations though, even when the issue or those that raised it, are being joked about, the issue is the forefront on both sides. Both sides debate the actual issue. Those who believe very much in it will stand behind it and tick off the pros and cons of it over and over and over and focus on it. I've joked about the issue. I've called it a nonissue and made fun of the idea. I've brought up actual sexism and discussed how it impacted (I did not used either effected or affected there, so ha and you know who you are lol) women when sexism was just as American as football, apple pie, baseball and to get consumerist here, Chevrolet too, and I've talked about the crap thats said here that offended the authors of the issue in the first place, but the only thing that those who are supposedly defending the issue and standing up for it and pushing to make this a safe place for women have talked about is how mean the people are who are against it.
Argue your SIDE, not about how you don't like me, or this happened to your friend in 1992 or you once saw on tv this or that and it reminds you of this debate, ok? (Those were just out of the air examples of going all over the place rather than addressing the issue, and the you was meant as a general you and not personally you) Defend this issue if you believe it's real. Do it even though you have folks laughing at it. Convince us. I'm not trying to wind you up when I say that, just to laugh more. I mean it. I still may laugh more, but thats a risk anyone takes when they stand up for something unpopular. You'll never accomplish anything with "you're mean" arguments. I'm honestly not mean, but even if I was that would be neither here nor there where your issue is concerned would it? How nice or mean I am or he is or she is or the yellow smiley face icons to the left of this thing are does not change anything at all about the issue. Argue your issue. Tell me, and everyone else here exactly what is being done (with cites, which I'm sure are easy to get cause I know what ya'll are talking about exactly) and then explain how it's hurting people and how stopping it could be accomplished and what overall benefit it would have to the community here. Sell it. You sell nothing by complaining about the person who doesn't want to buy it.
I really don't think you can pull this off. Convincing everybody that whiney losers hurt women by posts here, but if you could get your s**t in a ball and actually come up with something and give a decent try at presenting something to the people you want to agree with you, then I'd actually respect you as people, even if I never agree with your stance on this whole issue.
Show us all the money ok? Because it's pretty much become a joke by now. Sell it on facts not on feelings, even though feelings are at the root of it. If that were to happen, I wouldn't make fun of this thing again. Really.
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
My forum is still there and everyone is welcome to come join as well. There is a private women only subforum there if anyone is interested. Also, there is no CAPTCHA.
The link to the forum is
Although I agree with MRA being absurd, the fact that they ignore women's issues in favour of their own is ignorance to say the least, but how is this any worse than feminism?
I'm just genuinly suprised that there hasn't been a legitimate founding of the equalist movement yet. I hear lot of people claiming to be one in cricism to feminists and the MRA, myself included, but without a substantiated presence in the political world there's only so far it can go.
I personally find it ludicrous that in order for one person to legitimately fight sexism they have to (ironically) display a bias towards one gender over the other, but that's just me...
As am I. But for true equality, there are contingencies. For instance, the guy ALWAYS pays, tells me I am beautiful, sends me nice flowers every day, and caters to my high maintenence needs.
Kraftie, why are you ignoring me? Was my picture that frightening or did you get me confused with one of those ugly women on the site? You looked for the one holding the sundae, right?
OOM, As you sit slumped in a stupored state on the front porch of your tar-papershack in Turnip Town,think of the one thing, "What are you going to do when Jesus comes?"
Joined: 11 Nov 2011
Age: 60
Gender: Female
Posts: 11,447
Location: About 50 miles past the middle of nowhere
As am I. But for true equality, there are contingencies. For instance, the guy ALWAYS pays, tells me I am beautiful, sends me nice flowers every day, and caters to my high maintenence needs.
Kraftie, why are you ignoring me? Was my picture that frightening or did you get me confused with one of those ugly women on the site? You looked for the one holding the sundae, right?
OOM, As you sit slumped in a stupored state on the front porch of your tar-papershack in Turnip Town,think of the one thing, "What are you going to do when Jesus comes?"
I'll get a towel and wipe it up like I always do cause he likes me better than you anyway. How do you even know him? He cuts our grass and says he might just take me back to Juarez when he's caught and has to go back. Don't you EVEN BE trying to get him away from me! You put a hit out on my dog and got him killed yesterday and now this early in the morning you been messing with my illegal yard man Jesus. I swear to God I wish you was here cause I'd take off my shoes and open up a can of whoop ass on you over that man! You leave him alone and stop tempting him with store bought boobs and probably even the fact that you don't have warrants on you in two states, cause you think he'd like that or something. Like no warrants is something to be all stuck up and bragging about! Well, he likes me and when we get to Juarez when he has to go back and we get him that eye replaced he's got a job waiting for him as the spokesman for a lizard hunting safari company that's opening up down there so HANDS OFF YOU b***h!
Eye of the tiger, I'm warning you. Brang it! I double dawg dare ya!
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
My forum is still there and everyone is welcome to come join as well. There is a private women only subforum there if anyone is interested. Also, there is no CAPTCHA.
The link to the forum is