Laddo wrote:
No, I wasn't. In fact, Eureka's post kind of sums up how men with insecurities are seen by women. If you complain about something once or twice, you get labelled as a crybaby who supposedly moans all the time. It's soul-sucking for a girlfriend to constantly say she's not pretty, too, especially when you tell her time and time again that you think she's beautiful and that should be all that matters.
It's not like it's an isolated incident with me being attacked for talking about my own insecurities. A huge percentage of women I've known have thought they're fat or not pretty on at least one occasion, even when they're a little underweight and stunningly beautiful. I'm not talking about anorexics, either. I'm talking about women who are on the most part stable. Yet when I've mentioned being too skinny, I essentially get told to man up. Some women have actually got pretty pissed off with me for mentioning my being underweight
they react to the skinny complaints like that as to them it sounds like 'its so hard being rich'.
they probably find your emotional rants stressful, my ex said he hated me ranting about things and found it stressful, and preferred more laid back conversation. I know (being a ranter on interesting things) that nearly everyone likes to talk about banal things and 'small talk' and dislikes impassioned speeches.
also my ex said when I was upset that he found me aggressive when I thought I only appeared emotional and upset so maybe your women are finding you too aggressive aswell, you could get a friend to film you when your upset and see how you appear.