Ladies: when does a guy get too emotional for you?

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11 Jul 2014, 3:53 pm

Laddo wrote:
I'm 23. You're probably right that a lot of women my age still haven't got over raw, instinctive attraction to alpha males. I just find it ironic that so many women my age also complain about men like that, yet still continuously go for them. It's a depressing thought. I definitely need an aspie girl who bases things less on looks and strength and more on personality. Most women would probably find me quite pleasant if they gave me a chance and looked beyond the depression

I wouldn't even concern myself with women around that age. Most women don't know what they want until they're in their 30s.


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11 Jul 2014, 4:55 pm

Laddo wrote:
No, I wasn't. In fact, Eureka's post kind of sums up how men with insecurities are seen by women. If you complain about something once or twice, you get labelled as a crybaby who supposedly moans all the time. It's soul-sucking for a girlfriend to constantly say she's not pretty, too, especially when you tell her time and time again that you think she's beautiful and that should be all that matters.

It's not like it's an isolated incident with me being attacked for talking about my own insecurities. A huge percentage of women I've known have thought they're fat or not pretty on at least one occasion, even when they're a little underweight and stunningly beautiful. I'm not talking about anorexics, either. I'm talking about women who are on the most part stable. Yet when I've mentioned being too skinny, I essentially get told to man up. Some women have actually got pretty pissed off with me for mentioning my being underweight

they react to the skinny complaints like that as to them it sounds like 'its so hard being rich'.

they probably find your emotional rants stressful, my ex said he hated me ranting about things and found it stressful, and preferred more laid back conversation. I know (being a ranter on interesting things) that nearly everyone likes to talk about banal things and 'small talk' and dislikes impassioned speeches.

also my ex said when I was upset that he found me aggressive when I thought I only appeared emotional and upset so maybe your women are finding you too aggressive aswell, you could get a friend to film you when your upset and see how you appear.


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11 Jul 2014, 5:25 pm

I'm not skinny as in slender though. I'm skinny as in underweight. I get negative comments about it all the time, so I don't think it's that. Women want to be skinny, but they don't like skinny men.

Not being tolerant of the emotional rants bit is a bit harsh, too. From what I've read on this thread, basically the best way to attract women is to completely change who I am. Great...

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11 Jul 2014, 5:28 pm

Don't change who you are.

Just improve on what you've already got.

We could all stand improvement; I know I can!

I wouldn't allude to any present "troubles" until you get really involved with a woman. Stories about past "troubles," however, interest some people.


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11 Jul 2014, 5:39 pm

Nah, I think I said awhile back to be yourself, but don't expect every woman (or even most women) to appreciate you. I've found that the ones who appreciate who you are on the inside make better partners than the ones who judge you by superficial standards. Also, maybe consider dating women in their late 20s for awhile?


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11 Jul 2014, 6:18 pm

Laddo wrote:
I'm not skinny as in slender though. I'm skinny as in underweight. I get negative comments about it all the time, so I don't think it's that. Women want to be skinny, but they don't like skinny men.

Not being tolerant of the emotional rants bit is a bit harsh, too. From what I've read on this thread, basically the best way to attract women is to completely change who I am. Great...

Complete opposite where I'm from, they love skinny men here. MAybe I should go to England.


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11 Jul 2014, 6:35 pm

They love 'roid heads here. All the men are trying to beef up to get women. Where are you from then? Can we do a swap?

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11 Jul 2014, 6:54 pm

Laddo wrote:
They love 'roid heads here. All the men are trying to beef up to get women. Where are you from then? Can we do a swap?

Baltimore, Maryland USA


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11 Jul 2014, 6:58 pm

That surprises me. From all the American TV I've seen (and I've seen a lot), American women want musclebound hunks as much as British women do. I always thought that's where we copied it from

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11 Jul 2014, 7:02 pm

Laddo wrote:
That surprises me. From all the American TV I've seen (and I've seen a lot), American women want musclebound hunks as much as British women do. I always thought that's where we copied it from

Depends on where you go. Although the ones that want skinny men are usually less mature and wind up using them. I guess they see them as weak prey.


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11 Jul 2014, 7:05 pm

Maybe I should move to the USA actually. With my accent the women would be all over me. My ex from Texas/Colorado used to love my accent. Dunno why, I think I sound like a massive douche

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11 Jul 2014, 7:18 pm

conceal, don't feel.


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11 Jul 2014, 7:20 pm

That's what I've been saying from the start! We're expected to conceal real emotion. The emotion we show women is not our real emotion. Most of it is hidden. That's what women need to realise

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11 Jul 2014, 8:32 pm

Laddo wrote:
Maybe I should move to the USA actually. With my accent the women would be all over me. My ex from Texas/Colorado used to love my accent. Dunno why, I think I sound like a massive douche

It's true - many American women lurrrrrrrve a British accent. :) And, due to our exposure to BBC for a few decades, we kind of expect people from England to be a bit less......restrained..... LOL

(I actually have two close friends who are English, and one of my favorite things about them - besides the accent - is that they are both completely off the wall in their senses of humor.)


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11 Jul 2014, 8:46 pm

Watch some Blackadder, Eureka. You'll see some true British wit on that. We can be such sarcastic bastards sometimes... :P Your British friends' humour is probably influenced in some way by that in some way. The thing is, I love American women in a lot of ways, but so few of them stay here for a longer period of time! Whyyyyyyyy

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12 Jul 2014, 4:14 am

English accent sounds more manly (requires depth of voice) while American accent sounds like....urgh... forget it, anyway that's why your women lurrrrvvv it, Eureka.

Women.... :lol: