Sailor_Mercury wrote:
I did ask him how he'd feel if the roles had been reversed. He said he would be as equally upset. I believe he does allow his mother in influence him and it is ruining our relationship. But I can't ask him to stop seeing his mother.
I have a cherished piece of relationship advice, earned through hard experience, I give to young women: Take a hard look at his family. If you would not marry his father, end the relationship. If you do not want to become a little carbon-copy of his mother, end the relationship. If you would not marry his parents, end the relationship.
He's used to these people telling him who he is, who he needs to be, where he's going, where he needs to be headed... In short, he's used to tying himself in knots to gain these peoples' approval. That dynamic is deep-rooted to the point of being very nearly hardwired-- attempting to remove it would be something like attempting to remove the operating system from a computer, only with feelings involved.
That dynamic is not going to change.
End the relationship.
"Alas, our dried voices when we whisper together are quiet and meaningless, as wind in dry grass, or rats' feet over broken glass in our dry cellar." --TS Eliot, "The Hollow Men"