Where did you meet your current partner?

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19 Mar 2007, 3:50 pm

I met my dh in class, but we didn't talk in class, we started talking in the chemistry dept computer lab while working on lab reports late at night. The only girlfriend he had before me, he met online. I had a lot of boyfriends, met most of them in class/school. One at a party. But it was a nerdy party. I actually approached him first because he was wearing a U2 shirt and I was (am?) totally obsessed w/ U2. He was a hottie, though. which means cute and nerdy. :P EE major. ;) Dh and I both graduated in chemistry. He's almost done w/ his PhD, I stopped after the B.S.


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19 Mar 2007, 3:54 pm

calandale wrote:
Good for you girl!

I also want to meet other people on here.


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19 Mar 2007, 3:58 pm

Well he's not my bf (yet!!) but we met at dance class which my work collegues made me go to, we went to the movies together and it was awesome I'm seeing him again this weekend!! !! !! !! !

I think I got a wittle crush..........ha ha ha.


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19 Mar 2007, 5:52 pm

I met my man in a car club. Lol. There are two major clubs here for Subarus (REXnet [Rex being the verbal pronunciation of WRX], and ClubSub). I was very quickly renowned on REXnet for my 'non-turbo WRX' - an Impreza HX20s undergoing some MAJOR work. On ClubSub, there was a similar story...an infamous HX20s owner that got as much s**t as I did for having a non-turbo Impreza.

I crossed over onto ClubSub too on a whim (membership in both camps, lmao) and bumped into the other HX owner on my Welcome thread of all places. We pretty much dominated that thread bouncing backwards and forwards for a few pages, and proceeded to spend the next month or so talking non-stop and spending stupid amounts of time together :lol: He was a bit of a celebrity there, and I looked at him as such at first...

After a month or so we finally gave up pretending to be just friends and started talking dirty. It only took one comment for things to explode and booya, we slid straight into a relationship. He instigated it too, which was rather unusual for him.

I found out about a week or so into it that he was an Aspie. That certainly made things interesting and explained why he was as obsessed with his Impreza as I was with mine! :lol: We're even more infamous now because we're the only HX20s owners on the boards that make any presence of themselves whatsoever, and moreso, we happen to be a couple :lol: It's so fairy-tale...

http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/1712 ... amzbj2.gif

:D Suuuubies...


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19 Mar 2007, 5:57 pm

Shale wrote:
I met my man in a car club. Lol. There are two major clubs here for Subarus (REXnet [Rex being the verbal pronunciation of WRX], and ClubSub). I was very quickly renowned on REXnet for my 'non-turbo WRX' - an Impreza HX20s undergoing some MAJOR work. On ClubSub, there was a similar story...an infamous HX20s owner that got as much s**t as I did for having a non-turbo Impreza.

I crossed over onto ClubSub too on a whim (membership in both camps, lmao) and bumped into the other HX owner on my Welcome thread of all places. We pretty much dominated that thread bouncing backwards and forwards for a few pages, and proceeded to spend the next month or so talking non-stop and spending stupid amounts of time together :lol: He was a bit of a celebrity there, and I looked at him as such at first...

After a month or so we finally gave up pretending to be just friends and started talking dirty. It only took one comment for things to explode and booya, we slid straight into a relationship. He instigated it too, which was rather unusual for him.

I found out about a week or so into it that he was an Aspie. That certainly made things interesting and explained why he was as obsessed with his Impreza as I was with mine! :lol: We're even more infamous now because we're the only HX20s owners on the boards that make any presence of themselves whatsoever, and moreso, we happen to be a couple :lol: It's so fairy-tale...

http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/1712 ... amzbj2.gif

:D Suuuubies...

My dream car (well, SUV actually) is a Subaru B9 Tribeca.


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19 Mar 2007, 6:05 pm

:o But the Tribeca is the one that they hit with the Ugly Stick over at Gunma till it broke!! :lol:

You have goooood taste in cars though...still...the Tribeca's a people-mover, not really an SUV (though it does have the AWD doesn't it...that's good enough)...why not get a Fozz? :) They certainly sound better.


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19 Mar 2007, 6:20 pm

Shale wrote:
:o But the Tribeca is the one that they hit with the Ugly Stick over at Gunma till it broke!! :lol:

You have goooood taste in cars though...still...the Tribeca's a people-mover, not really an SUV (though it does have the AWD doesn't it...that's good enough)...why not get a Fozz? :) They certainly sound better.

Unfortunately, they don't sell the Fozz here in the U.S.


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19 Mar 2007, 6:41 pm

Noooo! The boxer-powered fridge is awesomeness! That's insane, the US missed out on all the best cars :( (We all know the GC8, v5 and v6, were the best EVAR!)


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19 Mar 2007, 6:51 pm

Why, can you not buy Alfas in the US?

The Sociable Hermit says:


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19 Mar 2007, 6:55 pm

Doesn't matter if you can or can't ;D Hurr hurr... (yes I am a tease!)

Besides, they gave Subaru their designer and Subaru fired him, sooooo...

Ahem. Anyway.


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20 Mar 2007, 7:24 pm

I never look for a relationship, mine just happen. I met my partner in a pub as our meeting was arranged by a mutual friend of ours who wanted us to meet as he felt we would get along and be friends. We became a little more than that lol.

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20 Mar 2007, 7:26 pm

I have a female friend that I met online a few days ago. She and I met in person just a couple of hours ago.


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22 Mar 2007, 7:00 pm

Online: Wrong Planet!
Real Life: At a GSA meeting, most NT guys at my HS are so envious of me!


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22 Mar 2007, 8:38 pm



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23 Mar 2007, 10:51 am

Yes, a Gay-Straight Alliance meeting at my HS!
Most NT guys are so envious of me!

Blue Jay
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24 Dec 2007, 4:50 pm

Hi! I met my boyfriend at the college we both attend. My boyfriend has Asperger's Syndrome like me. Our relationship started out as a friendship and then it grew into romance. I was hanging out with him often and people at the school were almost always asking if we were dating, but we both said that we were just friends. I really liked being friends with him, but I also secretly liked him and I didn't know if I should tell him or not. We both decided to date each other because one we were already hanging out a lot, two I really liked him, and three people assumed we were dating anyway, so it made sense that we start dating. I love my boyfriend and every time I am with him I feel happy! Don't worry you will find someone someday who likes you for you.