rdos wrote:
You misunderstand the argument, starkid.
starkid wrote:
sexual intercourse is not synonymous with sex
Our culture think it is, and the word "sex" is typically a short form of "sexual intercourse". That's also why the term "asexual" was invented, and science still believe that asexuality is the same thing as "low libido", which it can be, but often isn't. People that self-identify as asexual often do have a sex-drive, but they dislike the typical sexual behavior of the majority, and especially sexual intercourse for fun. However, since science still believe that asexuality is related to lack of attraction and no sex-drive, this connection is invisible.
starkid wrote:
disinterest in having a significant other is not synonymous with disliking sexual intercourse.
Of course, but you have to realize that a huge majority of people expect regular sexual intercourse in a relationship, so if you dislike this, you might end up convincing yourself that you really don't want a relationship instead as you cannot find a suitable partner.
starkid wrote:
not wanting to reproduce is not synonymous with disliking sexual intercourse
Same argument as with relationships. You might end up with this view because you cannot find a partner that don't want regular sexual intercourse. Alternatively, if you have adopted the asexual label, you might be fooled by science's idea that asexuals never, ever, want sex.
I don't know what argument you are talking about. You made statements about the meaning of certain phrases that appeared to not be a part of any argument (arguments involve premises, and you expressed none) and I responded to them; my responses stand regardless of what argument you were trying to make unless you didn't mean any of what I'm responding to.
What "science" (I assume that you mean scientists) thinks is irrelevant to my point and the
apparent point of your statements, as is your idle speculation about people's thought processes and motivations; when you say that certain phrases mean certain things, you are right if they do mean what you say, and you are wrong if they don't mean what you say, and that's all there is to
my point.
If you didn't mean what you posted, the problem is you mistating your own ideas, not me misunderstanding. None of the things you've expressed in this post I've quoted here are inferable from what you posted about disliking intercourse.