yellowtamarin wrote:
Drawyer wrote:
Spiderpig wrote:
I'd guess a man's bone structure means she can highfive you, pat your back or bear-hug you as hard as she feels like doing it without worrying about breaking any bone of yours.
Yes, that's it!!
Strong bone structure, then, you mean? Cos I have the above bone structure but it's a woman's bone structure (cos I'm, y'know, a woman).
I went to a chiropractor once and they said my like neck/upper back shoulder area, was more similar to a males...kind of weird, but its not really all that distinctive from the outside because I am quite petite so people probably aren't going to notice slightly broader shoulders on me. I don't know if the chiropractor was full of crap or not....I guess i have been mistaken for a guy more than once not sure if that factors in at all though, or if its more my rather gender neutral style.
Then again I also know birth sex is a spectrum actually, so you can be female with some male physical traits and vice versa, it can be minor things i guess like bone structure, or more extreme kind of having male and female organs.
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