InsomniaGrl wrote:
That was a cheeky fun comment aimed at Drawyer. I understand a person anger at the mating game, it's mostly cruel, with rules made long ago, without human consent, but my nature. Sex is not equal and righteous, neither is birth and death.
I never said I was angry, or I considered it unfair. There's little point in judging the law of the jungle---on the contrary, every judgement of ours rests on it, whether we like to admit it or not.
InsomniaGrl wrote:
I don't think there is much point in targeting individuals who don't don't play fairly in a rigged game.
Describing what batting eyelashes means to me is not targeting anybody. In fact, I appreciate being reminded we're not all equals by a long shot, because, as an aspie, I forget it much too easily.
InsomniaGrl wrote:
The same way I don't hate the guys or girls who use a person for their gratification. I don't like the injustice of sexual relations, but I'm not perfect, and I don't know anyone who is, so I try to hate the situation we find ourselves in, and not the person, if I possible can.
Now, that seems an unusual view. Using a woman for sexual pleasure is a big no-no; in fact, I'm not sure there's any hypothetical way I could interact with a woman that wouldn't count as "using" her somehow, and this is one of the many reasons any kind of relationship with them looks so completely off-limits to me in real life.
Hey, I'm such and idiot, my apologies, i re-read what you wrote, and i totally misinterpreted what you said. I was pretty tired when i read it, and somehow turned your comment into something that was threatening, but that's entirely my mistake! I'm sorry.
Leaving that aside i too think all sex is inherently not moral, and people struggle to crowbar sex into social morality with predictable failure. I wonder if knowing that it will inevitable fail helps with the fall out, if one chooses to become involved with the farce of sexual morality between people. I'm kind of derailing my original question for the thread though :p