The fence is a very good place to sit in this argument. Unless you are some sort of transgender person, you can't know both sides. I shake my fist at all you uk guys though. It seems most of the aspie women are there right now, and as for me, I'm smack dab in the middle of Chicago. I do think that under the right circumstances an aspie guy would get along much better w/an aspie lady than a nt. You guys have all sorts of chances over there.
Sorry, I'm whining. I just wish once in a while the girl would approach the guy. My first and only realationship ended four years ago when I was 15, so it's been kinda lonely, growing up in a high-concentration of preppy nt girls. They're pretty much unaproachable.
I've found a few aspie friends, and right now, they are pretty much the only ones, but no girl. 4 years is a long time, and i don't know bout you, but not going to either proms was a bummer too. sorry whining again. Probly have one of those confidence problems I guess, not very appealing. Any advice ladies?