Yigeren wrote:
Yeah, as if I have no idea what it's like to feel worthless.
You'd be better off trying to adjust your attitude than relying on worthless dating sites.
It's not bad to want to be loved. It's bad to blame other people for your lack of dates. People want what they want. Nobody is required to even give you the time of day. That's how it works for everyone.
If a woman who is poor is able to get a man with more money, then obviously the guys think that she deserves them.
Week as their still single year after year obviously not. The guys they feel entitled to don't give them time of day it's why they b***h and moan about how horrible guys are I. Their about me summary.
My attitude is the result of years of mistreatment from women, you think the mistreat,net by women is the result of my attitude that didn't exist until a year ago, that's crazy logic.
Do you act and talk the same off line as you do here? Do you complain to strangers? I sure as f**k don't. Women don't see my attitude. You do becaus e you keep poking song poking and poking me until I get so pissed.
Actuall uses cashiers, gas Staunton attendedents, customer services, cops, firemen, doctors, nurses,erc are all required to give me time of day.
Why do you support dehumanizing people? Yeah the world is s**t but unlike you I choose to fight back and treat all people with respect.
Rlstinships are two person thing so if no one will do if it with me they are to blame. If women wanted to be with me and I refused I'd be to blame. I'm not responsible for things out of my control I don't feel I'm entitled to be in a relationship,mbut it sure the f**k isn't my fault women won't date me and nothing you say will opener convince me other wise.
Women who want to be in a relationship but won't lower their false standards are at fault for them being alone.
I have no standards to lower, I can't do anything else to find a gf. I got s f*****g job didn't help because it's not paid enough. I've done my best it's not my fault but you keep trying to say it is.
I'd date a. A user if they'd let me. At least it's something. But I'm not even seen as good enough to a use. Talk about worthless.
If you honk you're trying to help me your not. Your making me depressed by defending women who are mean to me and you don't even know those women. You defend them because their women and your women so guy si bad defend fellow women even if they the wrong side.