314pe wrote:
hurtloam wrote:
So after that conversation I decided to cut guys a bit of slack and give them a chance. I mean it's only a coffee. Unfortunately, since then, no one has asked me out. Typical eh?
How many guys have you asked for coffee since then?
Well if we're keeping within the context of this thread, I don't ask out random guys I've just met. I'm more cautious. I tend to stick to people I've got a sense of by knowing them through activities or mutual friends.
And I'm not that fussed about not being asked out by strangers. It is a bit scary to meet up with someone you hardly know. I'm not completely averse to the idea, but it's not my favourite way to meet someone.
Last guy I had coffee with I had known for 10 years already. He suggested it, but I arranged when and where to meet. It was an Oddly mutual date. Long story short, it's amazing how you can know someone in passing for years, but not really know them. We talked about a lot of things we'd never discussed before.
Long story short before I bore you all, He's going out with someone else now anyway.
I'm not so keen on the idea of being approached in the street, but a conversation struck up in a place like a show or gallery or something we have in common seems more acceptable. I'm bad at remembering to ask for a phone number though. Try and get her number before you leave or you may never bump into each other again (oh wait, is Facebook or something people are more into these days than phone numbers)