It's been over a year since I processed my emotions, and I have healed a lot no thanks to much of the likes of civilians like you. Honestly, as I reread this thread, at first I felt like I was being a little melodramatic until I re-read each of my points and all of the responses.
I believe I was 100% in the right.
It is not okay for you all to have sat here and recklessly promulgated the false "fact" that Aspergers plays no role in being raped, or that when one "is raped by deception & taken advantage of" he or she needs to "just learn & move on".
What a disgusting pool of comments. Good riddance, indeed. Go do your freaking research about rape by deception, consent, abuse, orphaning, and widowing (as mentioned I had no emotional family, and every sexual parter I believed committed themselves to me abandoned me) before you go on your "peaceful generous holier-than-thou" rants about "learning and letting go".
Get outta my face. What a disgrace this whole conversation was. How utterly inconsiderate, vile, and rude you were to approach such dire, and disastrous situation for a victim of severe abuse, autistic consent & rape allegations so lukewarm.
You should repent and be ashamed of yourselves and that's my final word on the matter. Every modern rational self-help organization warns against people like you re-victimizing or trivializing people's suffering & experiences. You had no business.