Gamester wrote:
I'm a gonna have to respond to the above postee who said something about all males being evil or something to that extenture.
Sure, that's the 90% of the male earth population, but its the 10% of us good guys out there that get the blame, sure, it is. But that's why we 10% try and make up for the 90% lack of smarts, niceness and generality in caring and all that jazz.
Sure, I'm a guy and sometimes I ave a bad rap as a guy who just wants to lay whatever female he can get his hands on(okay, so that was highschool, and many still haven't let that go) But I'm a good guy through and through, who has no problem kicking other guys butts for their stupidty and jerkosity towards women and other people in general.
Replace male with human. Maybe up the percentage too - perhaps all the
way to 100; I'm not absolutely convinced yet - but pretty close.
Here we are again with your definition of GOOD which includes
being violent - apparently in response to mere verbalisms. I'm
confused enough about ultimate good and evil to perhaps accept
that violence is good on any grounds - but dear sir, this is not the
morality that our society accepts.
I know. society's morality has done down the tubes since the days of Creation, and people go around doing what they want to do, when they do. sexuality and the way men and women are has changed dramatically over the years, and people these days have no problem doing things that people don't blink an eye at. we have become a society that has turned its back on the old ways of respect and women have become things to idolize and sleep with when the notion strikes us. that is the 90% of the male population, the 10% of the male population seek to strive and make a difference and prove to women that not all males are like that.