I agree. Why can't people just date someone based on their personality? I mean, I would. Personality and loyalty are important to me.
Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where George is dating a woman from Elaine's art class. Elaine acts as a go-between, to see if the lady
really likes him. She says she does, because, "Looks aren't that important to me." At first, George thinks it's the worst thing ever, until he realizes that she doesn't care if he shaves, showers, wears sweatpants, etc.
Personally, I was always more physically attracted to a nerdy type of guy to begin with. Most of the jocks just looked like pretty boys to me. My husband was, actually, a little too classically good looking, if that makes any sense. He really wasn't my type, but he's such a dork, that I still felt comfortable with him. Plus, he's not anal about grooming issues, like a pretty boy would be. He does clean up nice, though.