The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
Dudes, are you aware that.... ASPERGER SYNDROME, is just a Psychiatric diagnosis and has no existence at all in medical diagnosis references? Because AS has no clear biological definition for its molecular mechanism (ie. the exact location of mutation, the exact missing chromosome part....etc) like Down Syndrome or Williams syndrome.
Rett Syndrome for example was a Psychiatric diagnosis in DSM, but it was removed from DSM and 'evolved' to a medical diagnosis after research proving its molecular mechanism. No diagnosis can coexist on both, it's either this or that.
But so far, no research could determine that for AS; there's still no organic test (ie. blood test) proving the existence of AS in a person; its diagnosis is all based on behavior.
So questioning Psychiatry would really lead to questioning AS as well, if Psychiatry is a lie then AS is possibly a lie or simply a social construct; therefore we are all might be living a lie here and the whole WP is based on...a fictional idea.
Just note that money and language are also social constucts.
More controversy will surround the field that is more developed and spread. Very few of our era take evolutionary psychology seriously enough for it to matter. Plus it's not a money source yet.
not diagnosed
sorry for butchering the english language and obsessively re-editing my posts.