goldfish21 wrote:
My quick reaction is.. sly, you're not selling yourself very well. Dating sites are about personal marketing. Your title & description are negative and project a lack of confidence and abundance of depression - qualities that aren't generally considered attractive. It's not overly challenging to put a positive spin on the truth, or even tell a little white lie to explain something you feel needs explaining.
Instead of saying you take the bus so that makes you lesser than ___ in whatever way, you could say you choose to take public transit because it's better for the environment. IF you even list how you get around in the first place - you're not obligated to, so why not just omit it if you think that it gets you judged unfairly? Leave it out and maybe you'll get more, and better, responses.. and then you can justify your bus riding with the environmentalist spin when having a conversation about it, IF it even comes up.
Instead of saying you work retail and therefor don't have your life together, you could say you live a life free from the distractions of pursuing the almighty dollar and materialism and really enjoy your part time work that allows you the free time to get outdoors and enjoy the Sun, sounds, and scents of nature as you explore local hiking trails.
Dating site profiles are meant to make people sound wonderful, attractive, appealing and all those other adjectives. I bet ya $ I don't have that the vast majority of women's profiles that you read make them and their lives sound better than they actually are. That's the very nature of dating sites.. little white lies and embellishments that attract others.
But that’s a lie and once or if they meet up it’s a very clearly and easily found out lie. Someone who cares about the environment doesn’t use a a/c or plastic stuff. I use a a/c year round and have tons of plastic stuff.
As I pointed out they message me we talk for weeks or a month then they ask about my job and car status and that’s the end of that happens every single time. I want to avoid that it hurts me a lot to talk to someone intimately for so long just to be blocked and ignored. So if they never going want to date me then I’d prefer to never get messages by them.
I bet you’d all encourage me to seek out fat women since I’m not thin and so have no shot with thin women. I’m a loser so I need to find a loser woman who do I do that? Talking myself up only attracts successful women who want nothing to do with me and wouldn’t talk to me if they know my job status or how I look from the get go.
Since there’s no dating site for loser unambitious, no confidence people this is the only way they could think of.
I’ve had probably a hundred fake ads like you want me to do posted on Craigslist and Not had a single result so why not try something else. Better to try one last thing then just giv My up completely and thinking of ways to die.
Nothing else has worked . I’ve had people edit my ads and even write ads for me and no results. It dates no girlfriend. My only chance is to find a unemployed loser woman.
Will talking myself up attract them to message me or will they just be like that guys probably too good for me and go nope in their room? That’s what I do to 99% of women’s ads and dating site profiles.