hale_bopp wrote:
Most people don’t actually stick to these checklists. If they did, everyone except the top 1% of people would be single.
It’s a very naive way of viewing other people and much more common in immature people. Relationships based on this never last unless it’s a mutual agreement or trade off for shallow things like wealth for big boobs. Even then half the time it doesn’t last.
Several people think they’re single for shallow reasons when half the time, the reality is their personality sucks, but noone would want to admit that.
I’m most likely single because my personality sucks, my aspergers, lack of interest in serious relationships and the fact I never follow up any advances or put myself put there.
It’s very unlikely it’s for anything shallow. I don’t think not dating someone for aspergers traits is shallow. It has a large impact on a relationship.
Last I heard most Americans (over 50%) are single and alone.
There’s loads of women on dating sites who due to heir shallowness and superficial ness remain single for 10 years. If they weren’t sticking to their list of requirements certainly they’d met someone by now certainly I’d had met someone. No most do stick their their lists. Most of them have highly attractive personalities atleast to me.
Glad to see you posting again. Sorry if your mad at me.
50% single sounds like an average rate. Eventually they move into relationships and other people become single.
Women on dating sites often have issues. I wouldn’t base the general population on them.