Earthling wrote:
The second one sounds like a player. Hot girls always have a long list of suitors. It's normal to be hopeful, but I expect not much beyond free meals for her. Maybe sex, but even then I doubt she is in the mood to commit long term.
To be fair, she doesn't sound the case at all, she is way more shy than the disco girl in the OP.
She even said she hates dancing and despises alcohol.
But the date with her was super weird and dry:
- Like when I was sitting next to her on the dinner table, with her sister and the sister's bf, she tilted her head in a way that her hair covers almost the entire side of her face closer to me, so when I was talking to her, I was talking, she replies in the same way without changing a motion, as if she doesn't want to show her eyes at all. She stayed like that all during dinner.
- Her sister, who's older, very extrovert and totally opposite to her, was encouraging me to hold her hand while walking, but her body language was totally non-receptive and uncomfortable, so I didn't even attempt to do so. Actually, she was keeping a certain distance all the time.
- The only moments she sounded more at ease is when she showed me some funny videos on her phone, this is the only instance when she talked in ease and got close (distance wise) to me but it lasted very short.
- She refused to eat anything bit 'unusual' on the dinner table, which had a variety of mini dishes. She only ate a half grilled fish and tabbouleh, and she didn't even like the latter because it doesn't taste like an exact homemade.
- She is very expressionless overall, her sister mentioned that even if when she(SN) is sad, jealous, or happy, she barely shows any facial expression. And she was like 'why stressing myself with emotions?' , she said it in a very robotic way.
- Her sister mentioned she dragged her two weekends ago to same disco I went with that girl mentioned in the OP (the first date)! and they did remember me because they saw me and my "date" helping a drunk friend who was vomiting. And I did remember seeing SN (before I know her) sitting in the middle there, not engaging with anyone, no drink was in her hand, she was remarkably the most person who seemed not fit in the whole ambiance, when I asked if she was the one who was sitting in the middle table just sitting and doing nothing, she confirmed.
She said she finds the place boring but her sister always drags her to it. This is when she commented I am a "Playboy" because she remembered seeing me with that girl, who was was acting so affectionate back then, but then I explained to her what really happened on the 2nd date and she was like 'O
I want to ask, how do you know that they are into you physically? Did they just tell you or how do you know?
Yes, they told me so, SN told me I am too handsome.