magz wrote:
I agree with your mother.
I don't see any fundamental difference between infant circumcision for no reason and the so much deplored female genital mutilation. To me, both are equally barbaric - maybe because both are virtually absent in my culture.
The occurence of FGM is waaaaay less common than male circumcision, the former only happens in the most backward regions of the world, and still there’s much more uproar in media about it than the male circumcision that was happening to 90% of American newborn boys and still is still happening to virtually all newborn boys in the Muslim/Jewish world.
I recall there were even women here on WP, often Americans, who would justify male circumcision because “it is not as bad as FGM, it is just a piece of skin” or something like that. Pure backwardness, I have no respect for such “opinions”.
This is another example how far the media doesn’t care about boys/males, the world doesn’t care about males’ sufferings in general, some hundreds baby girls get FMG and the whole world uproars and gets crazy, we have seen countless of news segments, UN reports and even documentary films on the FGM subject,
but millions, probably reached bilions of baby boys get mutilited officially in hospitals for centuries? No one bats an eye.
And now I expect some member to tell me to stop “whining” about this, no I will not, and if he/she sees this is a non-issue then he/she is an another ret*d backward in my book. This topic is just like Rape, it can’t have a “gray” opinion.
Last edited by The_Face_of_Boo on 22 Mar 2019, 4:58 am, edited 1 time in total.