AnonymousAnonymous wrote:
Brother Marknis, do you have family living outside your home state?
If so, what you could do is make contact with those family members who treat you "the right way"
and tell them everything.
I do but I am not close to them; some I haven’t even met at all in my 31 years.
The Grand Inquisitor wrote:
Having or helping to raise children doesn't make much sense if you haven't even moved out of home yet. I wouldn't think it would make you a good role model anyway.
For me personally, it's extremely unlikely that I would ever get seriously involved with a single mother. I'm not interested in raising or even cohabitating with children who share no biological connection to me, much less pouring my resources into their development and always coming second because the non-related kid's needs are put first. I don't like the idea of stepchildren or half siblings or anything like that.
My mother’s told me if I ever got a woman pregnant, she wouldn’t help me with child support and she wanted me to get a vasectomy to ensure that the possibility would never happen. She still did this even when it was clear I couldn’t even get a coffee date but she stopped after telling her many times how the subject made me feel bad.
Every now and then, I get asked if I want children or if I have any. The former question I hate because I can’t even get a date and the latter I hate because I am the only one of my siblings who doesn’t have a family.