AngelRho wrote:
LEGAL marriage is entirely a convenience. That’s all it is. You don’t really get married out of love or wanting children or lifelong companionship. Those are good reasons to get married, but those aren’t the main focus of being married.
Where i can see your point, in some people's cases, a good marriage can be good for both partners.
When a marriage goes wrong (or intentionally wrong due to malice),
then getting married can be the worst thing ever.
Marriage, when things go wrong, can be used by abusers to hurt their victims.
I was married once, only for 6 months really, with my ex-wife, who forced me to live her religious lifestyle
ended up cheating on me with someone who i went to school with who was known as a serial cheater (and who also had previously forced my ex-wife to have under aged sex with her), and then my only and older brother died.
My cheater of an ex-wife then violently assaulted me on a blood full moon, which i believe was because of some bizarre belief in black magic or something nuts.
So after all i had been through (as i had waited celibate for 3 years in a long distance and highly restrictive Jehovah Witness lifestyle, and had out up with crazy behaviour for years from ex-wife, her family, her religious friends and from other guys who were also trying it on).
I broke up with my ex-wife, and she moved her stuff out. I was grieving at the time.
Ex-wife found someone else to hook up with who she didn't make strict demands to as she had with me.
Then, in order to cover up her cheating and domestic violence, she then started to spread slander about me, which i think was initially designed to get a divorce on her terms, but also, cause i believe she felt that this is what people do when they split up, playing the abused partner even though she was the abuser and the one who had cheated.
However, due to her religious nature, she didn't want people to know that she was a cheater, as the JW's would scold her and think less of her. so she tried to frame me for several things, which thankfully i didn't take part in.
Nonetheless, the divorce did eventually go through
but it was all on her terms.
I was still grieving for my brothers death at the time.
And was left jobless and with most my friends shunning me due to the slander that she spread.
So. when looking back on it. Do I think Marriage is a good idea for people who aren't religious.
No way. But that's just my opinion based on my own experience.
I do not have a problem with anyone having a contrasting opinion and I will not attack anyone
because they have a different opinion that ins't fuelled by sadism, bigotry or prejudice.
Yep. In a mature democratic society people can debate topics and not agree, while at the same time not
wanting to kill each other.
Long live Democracy! Horray!