Do you have the six sixes?
Where on earth are you pulling all the quotes and assumptions in the first post from?
I don't feel they are an accurate representation of how women think and act.
Women are unique individuals, just like men are. The best person for you isn't likely to fit a checklist, so why assume that the person you would be best for is going to be looking for a checklist? Real relationships happen between people who aren't busy worrying about what boxes are - or are not - being checked off.
I have seen many people couple up who few would think are desirable. Attraction is very intangible; meet the right person, and suddenly anything you once thought was a turn-off can be become a turn-on. Be the best you you know how to be, live life with an open mind, and see where the road takes you. As many of us married people can tell you, we met our person when we stopped looking.
PS - I don't think my son has any of your sixes (although a few I have no way of knowing and will, for obvious reasons, never ask) but he is in his second long term relationship. I know she wants to marry him eventually. Forget lists. Chuck them away.
Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).
Last edited by DW_a_mom on 02 Jun 2021, 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Except I have. Many times. I know this because they have specifically told me so.
For example, I know a lady who recently joked about how her a I are "mentally synched" multiple times.
But in every time, they all still insisted that they're only interested in me as a friend.
Not everyone in life is fated to end up in a relationship. I know many amazing and attractive women that have had to come to terms with the fact they will, most likely, never find their man. They stayed in the game a lot longer than you have, and are now late fifties and early sixties, with few prospects for dates. But they aren't biter. They learned decades ago to build their lives for themselves, and not for some prospect that may never happen. Full social lives, lots of travel, hobbies they enjoy, nieces and nephews they spoil to death.
I did recently read of a couple that met and married for the first time in their sixties, so who knows what the future holds.
I do accept that it seems to be easier for woman, as a broad generalization, to find contentment in a life without sex, than it is for many men. I do understand there are differences - some perceived, some real - in that context. But sex is not a requirement for health or happiness for either gender, no matter what your hormones insist on forcing into you mind.
Life isn't over just because you don't have a partner. Go live life. A partner may or may not enter into that life in the future. Just, LIVE.
Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).
Six figure salary
Six feet tall
Six inches you know where
600 horsepower car
Six month since last relationship
Here are some quotes:
I have had a few of them.I made 6 figures my first year out of college.I easliy make 6 figures i thorugh my oil and gas company..I am also over 6 foot tall.I dont have a supercar but i am not really compatible with people who like muscle cars.I would prefer to date a woman who likes that i drive a toyota.My ideal woman is not the type who wants a ferrari or meredeces.
Last edited by Texasmoneyman300 on 03 Jun 2021, 10:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Joined: 27 Oct 2014
Age: 40
Gender: Non-binary
Posts: 30,817
Location: Right over your left shoulder
If it's a Toyota it should make 1000.

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.
If it's a Toyota it should make 1000.

lol haha....i would not want to marry someone who is attracted to me because i drive a supercar.i much prefer someone who wants me to drive a toyota corolla.
Last edited by Texasmoneyman300 on 03 Jun 2021, 11:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Joined: 27 Oct 2014
Age: 40
Gender: Non-binary
Posts: 30,817
Location: Right over your left shoulder
If it's a Toyota it should make 1000.

lol haha.......its actually because toyotas are one of the most common vehicles for millionaires but most people dont know that.
There's plenty of cool Toyotas, and any of them that can fit a 2JZ-GTE can be your one kiloHP car, if that's what one is after.
Celicas and (some) Corollas are pretty cool, same with the 86/GT86/FR-S/ZN6.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.
If it's a Toyota it should make 1000.

lol haha.......its actually because toyotas are one of the most common vehicles for millionaires but most people dont know that.
There's plenty of cool Toyotas, and any of them that can fit a 2JZ-GTE can be your one kiloHP car, if that's what one is after.
Celicas and (some) Corollas are pretty cool, same with the 86/GT86/FR-S/ZN6.
I just prefer used basic toyota corollas.

Joined: 27 Oct 2014
Age: 40
Gender: Non-binary
Posts: 30,817
Location: Right over your left shoulder
If it's a Toyota it should make 1000.

lol haha.......its actually because toyotas are one of the most common vehicles for millionaires but most people dont know that.
There's plenty of cool Toyotas, and any of them that can fit a 2JZ-GTE can be your one kiloHP car, if that's what one is after.
Celicas and (some) Corollas are pretty cool, same with the 86/GT86/FR-S/ZN6.
I just prefer used basic toyota corollas.
I have a Civic but I'd like to replace it with an FR-S.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.
I don't know how many horsepower my car has but it's got enough power for my needs.
I know the feeling, but also like the fun to drive factor added to it which is kinda why the Mazda and Hondas seem to be more attractive choices to me. But for practicality purposes, I will stick with the Honda as the family man who needs more trunk space.
Your Aspie score: 130 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 88 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie
The tone/vocabulary/word usage really don't seem like a woman wrote any of that, especially the comments. It reads like a man wrote it. And there's nothing on the list about "a man that listens to me, a man that pays attention and knows what I enjoy, a man that can make me..." well, you know. Those things are generally more important to most women I've met, though I have not met every woman in the world. That last bit, especially. Women generally care more about what you can do rather than "inches." All the inches in the world mean nothing if it's over in 90 seconds.
Aside from that, reality itself speaks to the BS nature of that list. Only a very small percentage of men have all of those things, but many of us are in happy relationships. Many of us have girlfriends or wives. I have been in several long-term relationships in my life, have been married for 17 years, and have had mostly female friends throughout my life. All that with only one item on that list, and as said before, that particular item is not the important part of that particular equation with most women I've met and known.
TL;DR? Don't get hung up on that list, it's fiction. If you don't believe me, reread what both females who have posted in this thread said.
Women are unique individuals, just like men are. The best person for you isn't likely to fit a checklist, so why assume that the person you would be best for is going to be looking for a checklist? Real relationships happen between people who aren't busy worrying about what boxes are - or are not - being checked off.
I understand that women are not a monolith. But that makes it all the more puzzling when the one thing that's universally consistent among them all is that they all find me unsuitable.
Yes, many unattractive people couple up with other unattractive people. Why are you assuming that is because they find each other attractive, and not simply a matter of two unattractive people settling for each other out of desperation?
A few years ago a coworker set me up on a blind date. We had a lot in common intellectually and enjoyed each other's company. But neither of us was physically/sexually attracted to the other, so nothing more ever came of it.
I am so fed up with this garbage. There were many times in my life when I wasn't looking, I still never found anyone. And do you know what everyone would tell me? "You're not finding anyone because you're not looking."
What often happened is that I wasn't looking when I met someone I really liked. And every time that happened, I got rejected.
When I'm at the grocery store, if I'm not there looing for corn flakes, it doesn't matter if I find an entire shelf full of corn flakes on sale. You know why? Because I'm not freaking looking for freaking corn flakes! This whole "you'll find something once you don't want it anymore" nonsense is freaking pointless! What freaking good does finding something I don't want to find do for me?! !!
I don't know anything about your son. He could have a decent career with financial stability. He could own a home. He could be exceptionally handsome. Given what you just said about his relationship status, at the very least, he more than likely does not have autism or any other kind of significant disability.
Not everyone in life is fated to end up in a relationship.
I've tried many times to build a social life. My autism makes that impossible.
That requires a lot of money that I just don't have. I have wanted to travel my entire adult life, but could never afford to.
I used to, until my depression ruined it.
It's also difficult to find hobbies that interest me that don't require tons of money.
My nieces and nephews, along with everyone else in my family, live in a faraway country where I can never see them.
Just because someone never was married prior to their sixties doesn't mean that they didn't have satisfying romantic and sexual relationships throughout their life.
The prospect of never finding a partner until I and her are in our sixties does not make me feel any better. The idea that I will never have sex with a woman younger than 60, 50, or even 40 is as unsatisfactory and terrifying to me as the idea of never having a partner at all. Not to mention that would still leave me completely robbed of the option of ever having children.
Bullsh!t! Both medical science and my personal experience say that the exact opposite is true.
It sure is easy to say that sh!t when you yourself haven’t gone without it your entire life.
You’ve disclosed that you have a husband and a child. Again, this is easy for you to say when you have never experienced it yourself.
Why does everyone assume that simply continuing to biologically function in and of itself is inherently desirable? I’m trapped in a system to forces me to break my back day in and day out doing a job I have no personal passion for and from which I reap no personal benefits other than a tiny paycheck so that I can pay bills in order to not be forced out into the streets and starve. That is until my employer decides they no longer want to deal with my dysfunctional a$$ anymore and then I just lose everything anyway and spend the next year or two with nowhere to sleep at night while struggling to finally find someone willing to give me another lousy job nobody wants so I can start that same old Sisyphean cycle all over again. The point of all that is that life is painful and exhausting. And when you have nobody to love you and nothing to make all that pain and anguish worth going through, life just isn’t worth living.

And just what do you think an overweight 40-year-old with low testostrone who's only had sex once in his life over a decade ago "can do"?! !
"You shouldn't assume that everyone in a relationship is happy. Unless that's convenient to my argument."
From what I gather, you like your job. At least that’s something.
I’ve made love with older women. I found being with them more satisfying, in general, than being with younger women.
I like my current job. But that's an anomaly. The general experience I've had for most of my life has been a cycle of going between low-paying high-turnover jobs nobody wants and being homeless. And once my current employer decides they're done dealing with my dysfunction, it'll be back to the same old same old.
Trust me....if you establish a rapport with those kids, and keep them occupied and out of trouble (and out of the management's hair), they won't get rid of you, no matter how "eccentric" you seem to be.
I seem "eccentric"----yet I've been on my job 40 1/2 straight years. There were times when they wanted to get rid of me----but they realized that they need me.