kraftiekortie wrote:
Marknis wants to live in a place which is not a conservative cesspool. Thus, this thread is of a political nature.
Not all conservatism is the same. There's Deep South conservatism, which even I hate, believe it or not; Jesus/Bible/church is very central to it. (Although I could probably fit in even there if I could fake-join a church, since I've read the New Testament and can recite it pretty well.) There's Intermountain West conservatism that's really liber
tarianism, although many people there self-identify as conservative, since it's a better-known political belief; in it, religion is acknowledged and respected, but not required. There's QAnon conservatism, more centered on being "not liberal" than conservative, where Christianity is barely a blip on the radar.
Liberalism, on the other hand, falls into two main camps: fiscal and social, with the latter being the more deadly kind.
Oh, and I got my vaccine too. Moderna. Although, the main reason I got it was to be able to wave my vax card in the "woke" liberals' faces---which are overpopulating my area at a rapid rate---rather than out of fear of the Biden Flu. Funny how me and Marknis are more alike than different, despite being at odds with opposing political climates.
86 the 46
Don't tread on me!
No aid or comfort to the liberals. No way.
My rights don't end where your feeeelings begin!
Then they came for me. But by then, there was no one left to object.
If you're conservative when you're young, you have no heart! If you're liberal when you're mature, you have no brain!