ironpony wrote:
Oh okay I see. Is it really that hard for a lot of women to find an acceptable man though? Women get so much attention, especially in their 20s or early 30s, so I wonder how hard can it be, especially since there are a lot of single lonely guys out there?
I suspect it is the combination of effects that really matters, but I think that the complication around the first one is as follows:
- women that are not unattractive in their 20s get a lot of attention all of the time. while most of this is surely unwanted or unreciprocated, it must have an effect on their ego in terms of their own sense of attractiveness and hence what they are 'owed' in terms of a future partner. looks depreciate rapidly in women once they hit 30, so they are perceived as less valuable by others in that sense, but the problem is there is considerable inertia in the sense of self of the female due to at least a decade's worth of being constantly hit upon and desired by males. this inertia vs depreciation effect leads to an imbalance wherein the female's own value of themselves exceeds the average valuation by others. this discrepancy may self-correct over time as the female re-evaluates their own appeal, perhaps by late 30s i.e. they are more likely to find a match.
- in terms of an acceptable man, well in part see above. the bargaining power of the 30 something female is likely to be far lower than the bargaining power of a female that is younger.
- note also the asymmetry in societal attractiveness of males vs females, for a not unattractive and in-shape specimen of each gender:
> female: very highly desirable 18-29. high depreciation afterwards. so men face intense competition in dating a female in that age range.
> male: quite desirable 25-40. so females face competition for men in that age range. given the sub-bullet above, this means that a female in say mid-30s faces an uphill challenge in getting a high quality mate because that male is also desired by younger females that are from society's perspective more attractive.
so this imbalance has some quite complicated and interesting consequences. i think of more people understood this - or more likely were willing to accept it - then the dating etc game would be easier for everyone. i have no studies or academic references to mention, this is my own study of society but it consistently explains outcomes in my experience.