You made it seem like it was intentional though. You edited your comment several times to add he was using autism as an "excuse", i.e he knew what we was doing beforehand and used autism in retrospect for his reason.
It's all trivial anyway.
Behavior that makes others uncomfortable is not trivial, nor is the pattern of behavior of getting kicked out of bars, etc.
I’m not saying that he was using autism as an excuse beforehand. I wouldn’t know that one way or the other. He’s using it as an excuse now, though, and will probably do it in the future when something like this happens again if he doesn’t try to work on it.
Dropping a feather on my head makes me feel uncomfortable. Beating me half to death for standing in the way of someone on a hallway also makes me feel uncomfortable. Making others feel uncomfortable is a spectrum.
Autism has been proven to cause issues with eye contact. Sometimes it makes people uncomfortable and indeed, it's trivial.
Let's use common sense.