ToadOfSteel wrote:
This I would have to agree with, as I know what unrequited love feels like, and I don't want to go thru with that again, so I set up a defense mechanism to do what you're saying: kill any desire on my part...
I only did the pure version once.
But, my delusions can be pretty
strong, so I've suffered it - and shall
continue to do so - fairly often. Too many
times, I missed signs, so I'm afraid of building
the complete shell. But, I have NO interest
in anything which is not interested in me.
This goes beyond just romantic issues.
If a job doesn't provide me with the
feeling that I am really necessary, I
can't keep it. In school, I did great
whilst I was the star, but when I tried
to earn that position again, and failed,
I lost most of my drive. Same thing probably
killed my acting career.
For me, this is less a conscious decision of any
kind, and more a side effect of my narcissism.