It ain't fair lol - when you throw into the mix high paranoia, manic confidence swings that no one around me can understand, and also - I'm sure everyone can relate to this to a t - a nasty past that often comes back to haunt me...
I think if I made a schizophrenic friend, they'd understand lol. Or simply a fellow aspie but there really aren't many people like that in my College...
By this though I do mean simply 'friend'. It's essential to have a balance of the right types of friends... and I believe there's a link missing - a troubled aspie or schizo friend would be very helpful and I'd be able to create a good friendship with them. But just 'friend' sorta lol.
Because I'm already after someone.
Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle,
and the life of the candle will not be shortened.
Happiness never decreases by being shared.