After a lifetime living alone as a gay autistic man, I just might be close to finding a nice man to call my own. I too am a high functioning autistic man. I have a good job making in the low 6 figures. No I'm not a doctor but I live well doing a job I love. I share specifics of my life only because; being autistic I never had much success finding a man growing up. I used to think WOW if I became successful, got a great job, got the house and all the trappings I'd finally get a nice gay man. NOPE did not happen. I was autistic gay successful and no closer to finding a nice gay boyfriend than ever. I was living in a big house full of everything I ever wanted and alone but not lonely.
It is now late in my life and funny thing I just might have found a bi man who loves me. Normally I don't bother with bi men because; I lack the social sophiscation to deal with the unique challenges. This guy is different it is as if we are soul mates. When we are together it is as if we melt into each others hearts and become one. Why am I saying this. Well I want to tell you it is possible to find a good man but you will have to invest time and effort in the task because; it won't happen automatically. Being autistic will bring new challenges to the getting to know you process but, if a man loves you he will look forward to learning about how autism will make your shared life unique and spicey.
Autism is only a disability if you or those in your life make it one. You have or can develop the skill sets needed to find an awesome boyfriend for yourself IF you are willing to put in the superhuman effort it will take to make it real. Yes being autistic it will always be more difficult for us to build lasting loving relationships with those we love. There is no shortcut, no magic potion no medication that will substitute for hard work and getting your heart broken more than a few times along the way. Only when you find that special man who loves you autism and all will you relax laugh at your past struggles and pains saying WOW it was worth it!