Space wrote:
Brian003 wrote:
Space wrote:
I've noticed that people really look down on guys if they haven't had a lot of sex partners, like it is the best and most important thing in life to have sex with as many girls as you can. What do you people think? Anyone experienced this?
Yes, a lot of guys think that all guys should have sex before the age age of 16 or else they are "losers."
Some people lose their virginity when they are 50+. It happens, and there's nothing with it. Some people live their whole life in celibacy too, nothing wrong with that either.
The world has gone from sex outside of marriage being socially taboo, to people being forced to justify why they are not promiscuous (as it is "expected"...!?). Yes, we are in strange times people...
Yes, I mean, I think people should be free to be promiscous or not be promiscous - I don't like this attitude of promiscuity-is-mandatory because I don't like being told how to live. This is something that particularly annoyed me in the US, that there seemed to be only the sex-is-sinful and promsicuity-is-mandatory crowds. Yes, I want sex - in a serious relationship, not necessarily marriage, and not for religious reasons. That's
my decision to make, and if others want something different or the same thing for different reasons, it's none of my business. Why is that so hard for some people to understand?
I am the steppenwolf that never learned to dance. (Sedaka)
El hombre es una bestia famélica, envidiosa e insaciable. (Francisco Tario)
I'm male by the way (yes, I know my avatar is misleading).