ToadOfSteel wrote:
Well to put it in milder terms... I used to look for love all the time, but then i gave up and tried not to feel love at all. But that feeling hasn't completely gone away...
Now I don't actively seek it, but if it comes my way, I am still keeping my options open. Don't expect me to hold my breath anymore, though...
That's really not a bad way to approach things. When I was actively looking, all it ever did was cause problems. I was either alone, or setting myself up for a fall. If you look too hard, you can't help but find what you think you're looking for. Only later would I realize that it wasn't what I wanted at all.
You can find love (or if you're lucky, love finds you), but it isn't something that has a set procedure or recipe to finding it. It could happen tomorrow, or ten years from now. Spending all of your time on the pursuit of love, though it may not always be a fruitless effort, could cause you to stop growing in other ways. So you could end up with no love, and no self-growth, a lose-lose situation. Personal growth could also make you more likely to find love, so in some ways it would be indirectly (or maybe even directly) helping you towards your goal.
I didn't used to consider myself to really be lucky at all. I do now.