Being Bitter Not Going to Help you Get a Woman

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11 Feb 2008, 3:46 pm

I'm going to ignore the rest of your post as to honour it with a reply would be an insult to your supposed intelligence.
:roll: :roll: :roll:

Aridarr- you know its true :wink: . However your reaction entirely predictable. Admitting it would make women look bad.

soujournertruth-you DO have a point that women generally dont like as*holes. But I was using that as a hyperbole. Its pretty OBVIOUS to me that a LOT of women actually do fall for Jerks. But moreover, NICE GUYS FINISH LAST!
What bugs me about the proponents of the original post is that gentemen reading it and the other posts supporting his conjecture is that some might be misled to believe incorrectly that women prefer nice guys; THEY DONT.

Last edited by D1nk0 on 11 Feb 2008, 4:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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11 Feb 2008, 4:07 pm

D1nk0 wrote:
I'm going to ignore the rest of your post as to honour it with a reply would be an insult to your supposed intelligence.
:roll: :roll: :roll:

Aridarr- you know its true :wink: . However your reaction entirely predictable. Admitting it would make you and the rest of women look bad.

soujournertruth-you DO have a point that women generally dont like as*holes. But I was using that as a hyperbole. Its pretty OBVIOUS to me that a LOT of women actually do fall for Jerks. But moreover, NICE GUYS FINISH LAST!
What bugs me about the proponents of the original post is that gentemen reading it and the other posts supporting his conjecture is that some might be misled to believe incorrectly that women prefer nice guys; THEY DONT.

I'm not a woman.


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11 Feb 2008, 4:49 pm

Aridarr I'm pretty sure you were a female. My memory recalls random things and that is one of them. Of course if you were male pretending to be a female that is one of the possibilities, or maybe trans gendered.


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11 Feb 2008, 5:32 pm

viska wrote:

Chav. Not all behaviors must have an evolutionary advantage.. Many human behaviors around today do not. Take depression. It's highly maladaptive and I suspect a very bitter person is too. Who wants to date someone who is bitter about their partner? They won't have a very good chance to reproduce, comparatively.

Depression does have a evolutionary advantage, at least from mother nature point of view. It especially goes as far as Aspies. Generally it is only very chronically lonely aspies like myself might possibly have children other then the rich aspies.

If I was wasn’t depressingly lonely I would never cut my hair, wash so often (time consuming). Work out in the Gym( painful) go out to nightclub speeddating( expensive ) work on my personally (soul destroying)… Just take it from me, if I was happy I would far from being an attractive thing same goes for your average geek.


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11 Feb 2008, 5:39 pm

viska wrote:
Aspie_Chav wrote:
Syd wrote:
Without sadness, happiness could not exist, and vice-versa.

Who say that. It is biologically possible for someone to be happy and never bitter. You got to ask yourself, would that person be able be succesful in the modern world.

This is not true. It is not possible for someone to be 100% happy forever without the intervention of drugs that don't exist yet. This has been researched and explained scientifically - it's called the hedonistic treadmill. Let's say you work at a job and you earn $45,000 a year. You get a promotion and now you earn $70,000 a year for doing the same thing. You become happy because of the change in circumstance. Now, some time later (it may be a year or more), this is no longer a source of happiness for you. You are "used" to the $70,000 lifestyle - you become accostumed to it, and this way of life for you is your new neutral baseline. This is biological. All happiness is fleeting due to the way the brain works.

This is veering off topic, There's an interesting book about this and how we might be able to change this in the future here:

Watch this video sucker. It might enlighten you about why pure happiness might be considered a weakness by mother nature. Consider the aliens that attacked as like an enemy tribe. Aspies are probably the first to have a scientific understanding of happiness, but even we are as trapped as more ignorant aspies.



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11 Feb 2008, 5:55 pm

JohnHopkins wrote:
Thankyou for making this thread. The 'don't trust anything women say' thread, which eventually turned into the 'all NTs are lying twats' thread really pissed me off and I'm glad someone agreed with me.

It's just one person's opinion (the threadstarte). I think the vast majority of the people here aren't bitter, the OP just stereotyped all of WP based on 1 or 2 guys who make all the threads.


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11 Feb 2008, 7:40 pm

atomical wrote:
Bitterness is attractive if you're trying to date someone emo. :-P
It may get an emo girl, but it's not going to keep her around. Same goes for emo guys too. If you project your bitterness onto another person, it's like a weight that stops the relationship from progressing. You're not seeing the person as an individual, but rather one in a million women/men, which isn't good. For good relaitonships to work, you have to see your partner as an individual, as good (but dont be naive). It gives them confidencce, lets you know you have feelings for them etc.


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11 Feb 2008, 7:41 pm

Space wrote:
JohnHopkins wrote:
Thankyou for making this thread. The 'don't trust anything women say' thread, which eventually turned into the 'all NTs are lying twats' thread really pissed me off and I'm glad someone agreed with me.

It's just one person's opinion (the threadstarte). I think the vast majority of the people here aren't bitter, the OP just stereotyped all of WP based on 1 or 2 guys who make all the threads.
No he/she didnt. They said " a lot", not all.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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11 Feb 2008, 8:19 pm

Yes, I wasn't saying everyone on here was bitter. Just seen a lot bitterness from people.

And guys mistake girls falling for a-holes for girls falling for guys that have confidence. There is a big difference. Usually these "a-holes" are nice to the woman at first, but confident, which women like. Only down the road that they find out the guy is a total dick.

The theory "nice guys finish" last is only partually true. Women want a take-charge, confident, man. Not a insecure, can't make a move, over-senstive man. Nice guys, not saying all, tend to be clingy as well.

I know a lot "nice guys" that like a girl, but are too shy or unconfident to make a "move" on the girl, so the girl ends up going with the guy that does make the move, usually overly-confident man that ends up being the a-hole.


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11 Feb 2008, 9:23 pm

GrantZilla wrote:
Yes, I wasn't saying everyone on here was bitter. Just seen a lot bitterness from people.

And guys mistake girls falling for a-holes for girls falling for guys that have confidence. There is a big difference. Usually these "a-holes" are nice to the woman at first, but confident, which women like. Only down the road that they find out the guy is a total dick.

The theory "nice guys finish" last is only partually true. Women want a take-charge, confident, man. Not a insecure, can't make a move, over-senstive man. Nice guys, not saying all, tend to be clingy as well.

I know a lot "nice guys" that like a girl, but are too shy or unconfident to make a "move" on the girl, so the girl ends up going with the guy that does make the move, usually overly-confident man that ends up being the a-hole.

There is a difference between as*holes and confident guys. But just because you are confident doesn't mean the girl will stay with you. A lot of girls are used to being treated bad, and they won't respond to genuine kindness. It's called having "issues," and there a lot of women out there like that. You're taking the confidence theory too far... I say just be confident and be yourself(it's all you can be anyways...). If it doesn't work? Whatever. Find a girl who respects herself.


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11 Feb 2008, 10:32 pm

Space wrote:
I say just be confident and be yourself(it's all you can be anyways...)

It would also happen to be an oxymoron in the case of a lot of us "cant make a move" type people you keep speaking about...


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11 Feb 2008, 10:40 pm

I don't think many women do actually hate men. I've been treated horribly in the past but I have the decency not to transpose those crimes onto half of the human race.

Hate is a strong word. But many women give me the impression that they dont really like men as a group. There are certain men which they really like but its almost this subtle resentment they have toward the opposite sex.


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11 Feb 2008, 11:27 pm

D1nk0 wrote:
I don't think many women do actually hate men. I've been treated horribly in the past but I have the decency not to transpose those crimes onto half of the human race.

Hate is a strong word. But many women give me the impression that they dont really like men as a group. There are certain men which they really like but its almost this subtle resentment they have toward the opposite sex.

I wouldn't say hate or resent, it's a matter of not trusting people. I'm an authority on the subject, as i've already made it clear that I trust practically nobody (unless they've proved themselves trustworthy)... People that constantly get hurt by the opposite sex (men who get nothing but rejection from women, and women that get used by the many as*hole men out there) are not likely to trust the opposite sex enough to seek out a relationship actively...


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12 Feb 2008, 12:58 am

There's also a subset of 'nice' guys who are just faking it, and when women detect their fakeness and ignore them they whine about nice guys finishing last.

'nice' guy rant

I think that women in general value honesty above niceness, but that dosen't mean that women won't fall all over an honest nice man.


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12 Feb 2008, 2:40 am

sojournertruth wrote:
I think that women in general value honesty above niceness, but that dosen't mean that women won't fall all over an honest nice man.

Now you're really making me laugh...


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12 Feb 2008, 2:43 am

Not meant to be funny.