GrantZilla wrote:
Yes, I wasn't saying everyone on here was bitter. Just seen a lot bitterness from people.
And guys mistake girls falling for a-holes for girls falling for guys that have confidence. There is a big difference. Usually these "a-holes" are nice to the woman at first, but confident, which women like. Only down the road that they find out the guy is a total dick.
The theory "nice guys finish" last is only partually true. Women want a take-charge, confident, man. Not a insecure, can't make a move, over-senstive man. Nice guys, not saying all, tend to be clingy as well.
I know a lot "nice guys" that like a girl, but are too shy or unconfident to make a "move" on the girl, so the girl ends up going with the guy that does make the move, usually overly-confident man that ends up being the a-hole.
There is a difference between as*holes and confident guys. But just because you are confident doesn't mean the girl will stay with you. A lot of girls are used to being treated bad, and they won't respond to genuine kindness. It's called having "issues," and there a lot of women out there like that. You're taking the confidence theory too far... I say just be confident and be yourself(it's all you can be anyways...). If it doesn't work? Whatever. Find a girl who respects herself.