Roguetech, your post can be summed up as the following: You classify some of the theories of human interaction in this thread as too depressing to entertain so you reject them. [You know - this shows that maybe you are participating in the deceit that is dating, but you just don't realize it ] You believe that giving a gift is the best way you should proceed for reasons you can't enumerate, so you shall.
Fine, so be it. But there's not much more to discuss other than the game.
Dating is nothing more than carefully choreographed deciet following unwritten social rules, many of which are arbitrary or even senseless.
This is 100% true. However - they are just as arbitrary as almost any thing else you do. The fact that you take a shower every day is arbitrary. No action has an intrinsic value associated with it, they are all assigned by us arbitrarily.
Example: Compare the act of shaking someone's hand upon meeting them against the courtship ritual. They are both equally nonsensical. But why do you participate in the first one but rail against the second? Let's say you're introduced to some random person you don't care about in the slightest. They extend their hand towards you. You don't really feel like shaking hands, but you do it anyway. Did you just deny your true self? Would it be better to do as you feel and not shake it? I mean if your friends think less of you, then so be it - at least you weren't fake.
My question to you is - why do you feel action generated by emotion is arbitrarily better than action generated by logic?