I got into a fist-fight over a girl
Wait. Are you saying you're still a virgin....after being with her for 3 weeks?
If so then it's like fighting over her really wasn't even worth it if that's what you were after.
That wasn't what I was fighting over. But the fact that he got to f**k her and I didn't pisses me off. I know it sounds immature, but that's just the way I feel.
I understand that feeling. Not proud to say it but have felt it many times. Basically my advice is: get cynical - as other have said women make choices - be the one she chooses. If that involves making him look like a c*nt, do it!. This one sounds like trouble from the start though.
I was at her house about 8 or 9 times over the course of the 3 weeks. She was very into me. We made out a lot. Passionately. I think she just burnt out her flame with me, and it was time for the next guy. She lives in a very chaotic household, and she's pretty messed up. She's very anti-violence, and didn't like the fact that I pick fights, and that might have contributed to her leaving me. When I found out her ex-boyfriend occasionally abused her physically, I told her that I was going to hunt him down and beat the living s**t out of him, because I don't tolerate abusers in society. She told me not to do that, because she and him worked it out. She didn't tell me where he lived, so I couldn't do it.
What I didn't realize until after the relationship was that this girl gravitates towards scum. She subconsciously likes to be abused, and degraded. She often asked me if I was going to ditch her like Billy did, or if I even found her attractive. It was pretty sad, when I look back at it. I really liked this girl, she had a lot of wonderful characteristics. But she doesn't like violence of any kind, even if it is towards evil people.
She didn't like the way I smoked my marijuana. I don't roll it in joints, because it's wasteful. I break off tiny piece, put it on a sheet of tin-foil, and I heat the bottom of the tin-foil up with a flame. That vapourises the marijuana as opposed to burning it. I inhaled the vapours through a straw. This is a much more efficient and cost-effective manner of getting high, but it's not a socially acceptable way of taking marijuana. This method, called "chasing the dragon", is used to smoke meth, and heroin. She didn't understand my methods.
She drinks alcohol twice a day, she chain smokes cigarrettes one after the next, and she doesn't like my smoking methods? What a dumb hypocrite!
If she wants to let people degrade her, then it's her choice and there is nothing I can do about it. I gave her a chance at a good, healthy, abuse-free, relationship and she messed it up in the end. Like an angel, I could have protected her from so many potential predators.
Meh...at least she was stupid, or I'd actually be in pain over losing her.
It's funny, how she was so worried about me ditching her. Then she goes and ditches me. Dumb b***h.
In the situation, there were two outcomes... One, he got laid, and you'd get the rebound, or two, he got laid, and save you from dating a slu*ty chick. So either you (at the time) beat him up for doing you a favor (by helping get you the girl) or for doing you a favor (by keeping you from getting the girl).
I can understand why you wanted to kick his a$$, since he screwed a girl you liked over (literaly), and screwed you over at the same time.
BTW, the girl waffled on whether she wanted to be a friend or whatever, because you never showed interest in her (by having sex). Considering how immature you seem, it's almost certainly for the best.
I actually treated this girl with respect, not like an object. I even gave her a chance to be my g/f afterwards because we did hit it off really well initially, and Billy does have a way of manipulating people. I didn't know she was a cheap slut when I first met her. It's not that easy to tell unless it's blatantly obvious.
If Billy had stolen the last piece of pizza, or the last cookie, it would have been a different story. The fact that he stole my girl, lied to me with a pathetic story about loving her for a long time, and then ditched her like trash was what pissed me off the most. I'm not his friend, but we're "cool" in the sense that if he doesn't bother me, I won't bother him.
Billy treated her like trash, not me. Manipulating a girl into having sex with you, then ditching her the next day, and making her cry sounds pretty low to me. If Billy actually loved this girl, then I may been frustrated for a day or two, but I would not have been mad at him. I gave him his just deserts. He's been getting on a lot of other people's nerves anyways.
I've had low standards for girls for years, but I learned a valuable lesson with this girl.
Look man, I'm 21 and a virgin. Ignore what the media says. The media (Dr. Phil) says you're immature, potentially ret*d socially and prone to criminal behavior. Why give him more fodder?
Don't condemn her if she made a stupid mistake...she is not alone in that regard. I know...too many cute girls that say "but I like the bad guy, he's so dashing," perhaps because they somehow inherited the Marlon Brando Groupie Gene (note...the Marlon Brando Groupie Gene refers to the Rebel Without a Cause Marlon Brando, not the portly Godfather Marlon Brando...). Of course, today we have the Sephi Fangirl so that although the villains may look more androgynous, they'll always have their tools to worship...
[quote="MagicMike] The media (Dr. Phil) says you're immature, potentially ret*d socially and prone to criminal behavior. Why give him more fodder? [/quote]
Dr Phil said that? ROFL! He's the last person who'd I think would say that.
[quote="MagicMike] Don't condemn her if she made a stupid mistake...she is not alone in that regard. I know...too many cute girls that say "but I like the bad guy, he's so dashing," perhaps because they somehow inherited the Marlon Brando Groupie Gene (note...the Marlon Brando Groupie Gene refers to the Rebel Without a Cause Marlon Brando, not the portly Godfather Marlon Brando...). Of course, today we have the Sephi Fangirl so that although the villains may look more androgynous, they'll always have their tools to worship...[/quote]
I think James Dean was the rebel without a cause, but I see what you're saying. The sad thing is that I am much better-looking than Billy, I have better hygene, and I'm much stronger physically the he is. Lol. He's just a good manipulator, and he basically showered her with romantic words. Billy can be quite charming, like a sociopath. I don't know if that's what he is, but he does have that superficial charm and charisma.
She was mine for the night...
So this girl was HIGH?! Do people that are awake and sober react differently than people who are drunk, high? I'd say yes. I'm seeing messages here basically judging her (making out with another guy afterwards) as if people knew her state of mind.
Also, we don't know how old she is. Weren't you saying in another post that girls, as well as guys, sometimes DO NOT KNOW themselves and what they want and so they might act....in ways that are not always appropriate or respectful to others? How can someone be so definitive in judging someone else, while also keeping in mind the other person might just be immature, confused, who knows what?
Meeting people in such a state of mind (high, drunk) is not always the best way to make friends or start a relationship...
I don't understand violence ...it's just no good. It just leads to more misunderstanding...
Brighten my Northern Light:
From the story I gather she was only just getting high when jkrane started making out. That to me is a free choice to make. Furthermore she chose to get high among these guys. I agree with you she might regret things afterwards, but I have a hard time believing she did not know what could happen at moment she chose to get high. Therefore I believe it is still her own choice to go with that Billy guy. I have done some (very few really) things I am not proud of under influence of drinks etcetera, but I still take full responsibilty.
Besides, I am not judging this girl. I strongly believe what you will and won't do sexually is your own choice (as long as it is not forced in some way). I feel people are neither more or less for being asexual, promiscues or just monogamous. Those people can all be good people to me. On the other hand I don't think someone who acts like this is an innocent victim (again ofcourse if it wasn't forced in vile ways). It is just one way to be. If the girl wants to change this I would support it always (that is, if she was someone I knew), but if not it is just her choice.
Btw, I am also not judging jkrane for the first violent outing. A thing like that can happen when emotions get high, even if they could not happen to me, but I do expect some sort of regret afterwards. I am angry at him being proud of it.
The guy is 100% white trash! Of course I'm proud what I did to him! The back of his head was so bruised up and sore that he had to put ice on it. I hit him so hard that there was a little blood from the bruises on the back of his head. My fists obviously aren't sharp, so that's a good sign that I did some damage. I didn't even break his nose, or split his lip or anything, because he covered his face and ducked like a little b***h. His right ear was purple and swollen.
Serves him right! I'm not the only person he's been pissing off. He even got another girl pregnant (I've never met the girl), and he doesn't have anything to do with her or the child. He was all appologetic in front of me, but when I'm not there, he's proud of what he did to that girl.
He takes advantage of vulnerable women. He's a predator, and I put him in his place!
I'd do it again!
White f*****g trash!
what the hell kinda spam is that?! If you're gonna troll in my threads, do it properly!
Some personal insults, or some vulgar explatives wouldn't hurt.
Maybe a little gibberish?
Is that so much to ask?