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01 Aug 2008, 4:05 pm

Nope, but that's an idea. I even know what he would look like...........

Cassandra Lou

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01 Aug 2008, 4:23 pm

PsychonautChaos wrote:
WonderWoman wrote:
PsychonautChaos wrote:
Joking response(didn't really happen): I was really lonely one day so I used my imagination to invent a girlfriend for myself. At first it seemed like the perfect relationship she did everything I wanted, never complained, was tolerant of everything strange about it. There were many drawbacks though, for example each time I tried to kiss or make my move on her in a public place, people would always stare at us, she must have given up a bad wibe or something. We had our ups and downs but things really got broken up when during a dream a anime character flirted with me. When I broke up my imaginary girlfriend was staring at me with intense hatred. I tried to explain to her that I didn't really had control in a dream, and that it wasn't my fault. That's when she became really complusive, and began stalking me everywhere. I couldn't even get any help from anybody else because no one believed she was real, and I couldn't file a restraining order because I didn't really know her bio.
Yet eventually I summoned an imaginary Judge Fudge who filed the restraining order, we're now seperated but I think it's better that way. She still invades my dreams sometimes though, I usually try to be nice to her then and I even found her a new boyfriend. He's an umpa-lumpa.

Da-um! Can't even keep going in the imaginary world! Well I hope it was a good learning experience for all of you.

(Joking response (total fantasy) : The upma- lumpa works in the factory, so he get's a lot of chocolote. So she got a little overweight. And blames me for that because "I've made her depressed". And conversly I'm no longer that attracted to her, so our chances of getting back together are even lower.
I understand her resentment, but I always try to remember the good times of our relationship. Plus I got a really good deal in the hentai market for the video tapes I made with her during our relationship. People still wonder how a hentai movie could be done in live-action-animation format.

Is it being sold online anywhere? I don't want to be around when she finds that out!

"Me voici donc seul sur la terre, n'ayant plus de frère de prochain d'ami de société que moi-même." Jean-Jacques Rousseau
"Do not think, 'I am alone.'" Sasaki Roshi

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01 Aug 2008, 4:30 pm

I've made precautions it's only sold in the alternative universe of cool world
People there are open to such things, and will pay big money for noid(they call us humans so) and duddle(they call themselves so) erotica
And she never goes there. She claimed that the comic book creator stole his ideas from her. Plus, she experimented a little during her teens with the main character Holy, it didn't work out and they try to avoid each other.

Thank you for reading this post.

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05 Aug 2008, 9:44 am

You have to keep the dream going somehow until you actually find it for real.

But I must caution you that what you think you are going to find is not what you often find.

I thought I would be a professor or researcher (when I had a college degree in sociology). Even after the Master's, all I got were interviews, so the state of Maryland intervened and made me a computer programmer- now I am a Web developer.

The hypothetical imaginary lady was white and I am dating African American. In fact I have dated African American more than half the time. I am not saying every Caucasian woman has baggage but it is common to have issues with weight, for example, her own and/or mine. That gets in the way of even considering a relationship. Anecdotally people in my life both African American and white have suggested that African Americans especially women have learned to have more personal self esteem unconditionally.

The goop for her hair. I had never seen it before. It looked and felt to me like bacon grease. Just as well, no Caucasian woman had ever asked me to style her hair, and the point is she is the first to ask me, period.

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05 Aug 2008, 9:53 am

It would be great to grab the DNA of all your friends and make a clone of the greatest lover ever.

I love one woman's Christian compassion, I love one woman's non-Christian politics, Buddhist tolerance (she is staff at Shepherd University and egad, we were in the same graduating class in 1992 at Shepherd College), I love another woman's clean cut demeanor and financial discipline (she is too clean cut she keeps no soda, beer or snacks), I love another woman's flirtiness, I love another woman's defensiveness of somebody's rights, I love another woman's high-powered technical brain.


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05 Aug 2008, 9:55 am

GuessWho wrote:
I am not saying every Caucasian woman has baggage but it is common to have issues with weight, for example, her own and/or mine. That gets in the way of even considering a relationship. Anecdotally people in my life both African American and white have suggested that African Americans especially women have learned to have more personal self esteem unconditionally.

The goop for her hair. I had never seen it before. It looked and felt to me like bacon grease. Just as well, no Caucasian woman had ever asked me to style her hair, and the point is she is the first to ask me, period.

Yeah, I'm white and used to be a ballet dancer (expected to be super skinny), so I'm letting go of that. Recently, I fell in love with someone who is overweight (still built, but a really big gut :) , a bull :) :wink: ). Anyway, for the first time with someone I felt like I had permission to just enjoy myself and eat and drink what I want around him. Sometimes I would go too far and get sick, but I think I would eventually fiind a balance.

Kool you do her hair.

"Me voici donc seul sur la terre, n'ayant plus de frère de prochain d'ami de société que moi-même." Jean-Jacques Rousseau
"Do not think, 'I am alone.'" Sasaki Roshi

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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05 Aug 2008, 10:01 am

My first girlfriend wanted to be married but was afraid to be woman on bottom. No imagination.


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16 Aug 2008, 12:56 am

Well, I don't really have an imaginary boyfriend, but rather I daydream about interacting with what my potential boyfriend could look like and act like.


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16 Aug 2008, 1:17 am

don't we all :(

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16 Aug 2008, 1:51 am

i often think that i will never be happy in this life, never have a soulmate. i also believe in life after death, which annoys me quite a bit since i would love to cease thinking and existing completely. so i am often thinking of how i can circumvent this trap. the trap of endless hellish existence.

so i think about the idea of living inside my head, wondering if i could take the fantasy world to the next level, a Matrix movie of my own making.

so far, no luck, but if i ever do find the trick, then i will allow myself to think about the imaginary boyfriend. not now. but yes, the character exists.

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16 Aug 2008, 10:15 am

This is a interesting idea. Maybe it will take my mind off the guy in my life I can't understand.


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17 Aug 2008, 12:34 am

Eire wrote:
This is a interesting idea. Maybe it will take my mind off the guy in my life I can't understand.

BAD IDEA! BAD IDEA! I created a dream girl to get over a girl I was obsessed with. Now no one else compares.


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17 Aug 2008, 11:22 am

Veresae wrote:
Eire wrote:
This is a interesting idea. Maybe it will take my mind off the guy in my life I can't understand.

BAD IDEA! BAD IDEA! I created a dream girl to get over a girl I was obsessed with. Now no one else compares.

Makes sense. I guess it wouldn't be the same anyways.


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20 Aug 2008, 9:00 pm

i did, in the tenth grade. i told everybody that i went with this girl (i've had a crush on her since middle school), one of reasons for doing it was that i got sick my friends and family rubing it in that they had GFs and were having sex and i wanted to shut them up, also PPL were beginning to think i was weird 'cause i was too afraid to talk to girls. i also had a huge crush on her and wanted to believe that she was my GF. i actually believed that she was my GF, crazy huh? What's more crazy is that PPL actually believed we were going together!! ! Even though we rode the same bus to and from school, never sat by each other, never talked to each other. i was too afraid to ask for her number, so when my friends came over, i would pretend to be talking to her over the phone, having an actuall conversation with nobody on the other line. i once pretended that she told me on the phone to come over her house, my friends were giving me props, it was awesome. on the day she supposedly wanted me to come over, my friends were at my house, so i left to go bang my gf at her house (atleast that's what they though) i actually went to the local books-a-million to read for about 4 hours, then i went home, my brother and my friends actually thought that i had sex with her, it was awesome! PPL continued to think that we were dating untill the end of the school year, when she actually got a BF!!, i had to play it off like i had broke-up with her before she started going with him

to this day, PPL still think we went together, and so do I!! !!

She's the only girlfriend that i ever had, that's was when i was 15, i'm 18 now

do not grieve, end the suffering. we will live, life eternal

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20 Aug 2008, 9:14 pm

Damn, a charade for an entire year... that sucks. I would've just saved myself the trouble and ditched those so-called "friends" who gave me crap for not having a girlfriend. You can't try to always be the person that other people want you to be... it's not fair on yourself. It's your life, not theirs.


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24 Aug 2008, 11:13 pm

um no... for my own good I have not done that. I think it would be much worse for me to make up a girlfriend, and the someone finding out that I've made them up, than to be single. I would not tell others that you have an imaginary boyfriend, but as long as its a secret I'm sure you could have some fun.