cruachan wrote:
Since love doesn't exist, but sexual instinct unfortunately prevails after the emergence of human consciousness as well, singleness is often the best choice for people with low sex drives or a good income (so they can pay professionals), but I think it's not an option for people with higher-than-average sex drives (many of them aspies) and not enough money to pay for services, to live without an outlet.
(Love, n. 1. Sexual attraction, which is so strong that it can act as a rationale for all self-ignoring or self-destructive behaviors. Essentially, an override of self-preservation by species preservation. Also called "romantic ~". 2. A hypothetical >emotion which would force individuals to genuinely care for each other, ignoring both self- and species preservation, and mutually agree in every thought, opinion and decision as if they were parts of one individual - without a sense of that being forced. The existence of such emotional or behavioral phenomena is highly improbable, to say the least.)
First, that it does not exist is your opinion - not fact. Seems like I should have a macro for that today. In my world, love exists and is a wonderful thing. Sex and love are two entirely different drives that have some overlap... your view is inherently cynical, and only shows your view on things - an incomplete picture at best. Not to be mean or uncaring, but that your parents' relationship failed does not mean all relationships do or will. I've seen many relationships fall apart; I fault other issues, not the concept of love. I would be interested to hear your opinion once you have some personal experience as well.
My thanks to all the wonderful members here; I will miss the opportunity to continue to learn and work with you.
For those who seek an alternative, it is coming.
So long, and thanks for all the fish!