Staying Single: Why do people look down on it?

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02 Aug 2008, 2:40 pm

cruachan wrote:
Since love doesn't exist, but sexual instinct unfortunately prevails after the emergence of human consciousness as well, singleness is often the best choice for people with low sex drives or a good income (so they can pay professionals), but I think it's not an option for people with higher-than-average sex drives (many of them aspies) and not enough money to pay for services, to live without an outlet.

(Love, n. 1. Sexual attraction, which is so strong that it can act as a rationale for all self-ignoring or self-destructive behaviors. Essentially, an override of self-preservation by species preservation. Also called "romantic ~". 2. A hypothetical >emotion which would force individuals to genuinely care for each other, ignoring both self- and species preservation, and mutually agree in every thought, opinion and decision as if they were parts of one individual - without a sense of that being forced. The existence of such emotional or behavioral phenomena is highly improbable, to say the least.)

First, that it does not exist is your opinion - not fact. Seems like I should have a macro for that today. In my world, love exists and is a wonderful thing. Sex and love are two entirely different drives that have some overlap... your view is inherently cynical, and only shows your view on things - an incomplete picture at best. Not to be mean or uncaring, but that your parents' relationship failed does not mean all relationships do or will. I've seen many relationships fall apart; I fault other issues, not the concept of love. I would be interested to hear your opinion once you have some personal experience as well.


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02 Aug 2008, 9:10 pm

For a long time I thought girls did not like me in high school simply because I did not have a social scene. My high school was Thomas Stone in Waldorf Maryland and I was a stealth Stone, if you consider McDonalds, swimming pools, or dances as radar, except for one freshman Halloween dance, I was NOT on radar. AT ALL.

I kind of hated Wham's song Careless Whisper because "I've never gonna dance again" and the song is about the same point in chronological time.

I was kind of screw you-ish on the way up to West Virginia transferring high schools. Dad retired from the Federal government when our house sold and we lived permanently in a vacation house Dad bought before I was born. (Score one for my super intelligent financial planning possible Aspie deceased late Dad, although he was so invested to his 30 year retirement plan he would not let my brother go to college with me after Mom made me live on campus- "the money isn't there (if we live 30 years)"- I understand, it could happen, but Dad only had 9 years retirement and Mom 15)


I got creative art card from one from one (drawn quite well)
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03 Aug 2008, 11:19 pm

smart man + smart woman = romance
smart man + dumb woman = affair
dumb man + smart woman = golddigger
dumb man + dumb woman = marriage

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04 Aug 2008, 7:05 am

aaronrey wrote:
smart man + smart woman = romance
smart man + dumb woman = affair
dumb man + smart woman = golddigger
dumb man + dumb woman = marriage

:D That's very funny, but kind of true...
Though I wouldn't do affairs, one-night-stands or anything short-term like that, because 1. I need lot of time to get used to the person and suppress touch anxiety 2. I wanna settle down at last - at almost 20 I have little time to live already (like 5 years, if this university thing's gonna work out well), and I don't want to waste it on something that has an end. Things that exist for only a period of time, aren't at all.

BTW, my gut reaction was to yell something rude, but gut reactions aside, how about all the woman+woman or man+man variations? i guess they give the same results... or not? any opinions?

As far as we know though, smart singles can pwn the world... Temple is a good example :)

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04 Aug 2008, 4:58 pm

I only get light pressure from my parents, they understand my social difficulties but they make it a point that every time I go somewhere with them to tell me about all the pretty waitresses and such that were "looking at me". :roll: I think they tell me that to try to increase my self esteem. What they want from me, and they will admit this, are grand children. They already have a few grandchildren from their other kids. I guess they won't be satisfied until they have at least 50 grandchildren.


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04 Aug 2008, 10:18 pm

aaronrey wrote:
smart man + smart woman = romance
smart man + dumb woman = affair
dumb man + smart woman = golddigger
dumb man + dumb woman = marriage

My parents have been married since 1974. They must be really dumb, huh?

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05 Aug 2008, 3:14 pm

I think it is how much you invest in the relationship (the work they always talk about).

I think you get out what you put in.

Rynok wrote:
cruachan wrote:
Rynok wrote:
Your arguments are flawed. If relationships were like as you say, nobody would have them. Some are, most aren't, that's why people still get married.

That's what most people believe until they actually get married. Most kids are taught to believe in things that don't exist to explain other aspects of life, why would this marriage thing be different?

If everybody that ate a poisonous plant died, people would learn and they would stop eating that plant.
If everybody that got married got divorced, people would stop getting married.
If everybody that got married was unhappy, people would stop getting married.
The fact that people are still getting married proves that not all relationships are bad and people are happy with their marriages.

I'm guessing you've been married and divorced already to know such deep truths of life.


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15 Aug 2008, 2:10 pm

I never got the idea that when you reached a certain age, you lost your family and only could get one by marrying and reproducing, or that if you did, thatw as your family, and not those your related to and were raised bye. Why someone is single is really noone elses business, possible with the exception of someone that is interested in you, but then perhaps only if you like them back. Yes I would love some cute animefangirl, but I rather wait for her then be miserable with the wrong person. and saddly, sometimes being with the wrong person is so much worse then being alone. Though I do like being alone as well. And somepeople do get married are have wonderful relationships. My own grandparents, paraents, uncles andaunts are doing fine.


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16 Aug 2008, 3:05 pm

First of all, whether you choose to be single or not, that is entirely YOUR choice. Your mother, your grandmother, your friends, they have no control over what you do in your life, and if they are so immature that they think you're a lesbian or insuinate it, then they're pathetic, to put it tactfully. If you try to please the world or live up to others expectations, you will not be happy because you will not be acting like yourself.

I have been single probably longer than you probably, 21 years straight, and although I have tried at romance and have never gotten the oppurtunity, the problem if not me, you just have to give it a try. Sure there is a risk involved, but isn't life just a big risk? You know, if you're single, that's just fine, you don't have to justify your life to anyone. Hope this helps.


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16 Aug 2008, 4:56 pm

I have analyzed relationships for years, while having a few terrible relationships and while being single. My conclusion is that marriage and relationships are all just about using one another. Some people marry to get money, money so they never have to work or just more money from a spouse who has a good job and dependable cashflow. Almost all couples use each other for sex. Yeah sure people our grandparents age stayed married for life...but why did they do that? The men married for free sex, the women married so they would be taken care of and not have to work. People couple up today again to use each other for sex, money and of course rent is cheaper if you share it.

That said why get in a relationship? There honestly is no such thing as love like we are brainwashed to believe in and long for. People don't love. Its either sexual lust or its a matter of what can the other person give you that you don't already have. I think for some its also because they are weak and scared to go it alone in life.

For those of us that chose singleness we are often met with jealousy by our coupled friends and co-workers who are miserable and b***h all day long about how bad their life is. Sure a few people couple up because they honestly enjoy each other's company. But if you observe people like I do then you see 99.9% of people get into relationships for selfish reasons.


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16 Aug 2008, 5:11 pm

Why do people look down on it?

Two words: Peer Pressure

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16 Aug 2008, 5:20 pm

I got married partly because I wanted a home and a family. As a child of 3 divorces that was a lifelong wish.

I don't know that I agree marriage equals stupidity. I'd replace the word stupidity with optimism. Lol.


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16 Aug 2008, 5:26 pm

youknowandy wrote:
people who are married and are in a relationship who are miserable see single people and are jealous and don't think it is right for you not to have to go through what they're going through. if they're in a good relationship, they feel sorry for single people. (i don't really know what i'm talking about, just felt like saying that)

You've hit the nail on the head! You are exactly right in your observations. Married people are jealous of us. I've had a number of married lady friends tell me how lucky I am to be single.


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16 Aug 2008, 5:29 pm

I've had a number of married lady friends tell me how lucky I am to be single.

There are pros and cons to either state, really.

I remember a married cousin telling me she envied me getting ready for a first date. I remember thinking, "why? she has a husband right next to her all the time, someone to hug at night, etc.". And now I think, that's exactly why she envied me. :lol:


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16 Aug 2008, 6:32 pm

Love and relationships in this culture are highly valued. People can often make negative assumptions about if you arent married or in a relationship and you are of a certain age. Look at the media, relationships is huge. Its sorta seen in a traditional sense, you are suppose to date and eventully get married at a certain age.

Right now Im 19 and I do have a boyfriend though my parents dont know about cause he's way older then me and they'd freak. The less they know the better. As far as my parents know, in there minds I dont date, I never have and Im completely inexperianced. My family has the idea that if your going to school, dating and realtionships arent all that important yet, education is. Boyfriends or girlfriends can be distractions. So its fine, no pressure. Once I finish college, am in my mid 20s and still dont have a boyfriend that they know about, then they'll put pressure on me.

As for my friends, they know I have a boyfriend and most think Im crazy for dating a guy twice my age so whatever. They'd probably perfer me to be single.

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16 Aug 2008, 6:41 pm

Yeah, I'd rather be single than date a 40yr old as well.

Seriously, if you don't find someone, you get pressure.
If you find someone and they are too old/too young, you get pressure.
If they don't like the way the look or the way they act, you get pressure.
It's a marathon :(