ProtossX wrote:
Was over at my friends place and we were all hanging out when his girlfriend and one of her fat friends came along.
Her face was meh but shes semi-fat also, her friend implied that I should go up to her room with her, when i told her no and I told my friends girlfriend to stop bugging me about it, the fat girl said if i want to hook up to call her. I said no thanks I got to go (i guess my morals got the best of me) and i walked out furious with theses stupid hookup's that people try do when there totally ridiculously one sided.
I've told my friend that i hate fat chicks and that im perfectly fine waitin for the one thatrs right for me i dont want any stupid hookups that waste my time
anyway what do you guys think about this am i in the right to wait for the right person for me? or should i tap every fat person that wants some and feel like crap?
Why are you always complaining about this lol. I think you need spend time around other people while of course being nicer and understanding.