LePetitPrince wrote:
To great extent ....umm...yes. To be more accurate it's linked to 'socializing' , partying was just an example of socializing. A church is not a good place to find girls of your age, it's only logical.
I actually am fairly social with people at my church... it provides a great deal of my socialization with other people. It is also the only group that I know of in real life that accepts me as I am and for
who I am, without reservation...
If there was somewhere that provided the positive social atmosphere that my church provides but had some people my own age, that would be great. It doesn't have to be religious in nature, but it should be supportive, unlike most modern social groups that promote unhealthy forms of competiton...
Alas, most people my own age are into partying, although a few people are focused on their careers... I have no interest in the transient social elements that dominate today's culture, and while I am concerned about my career, I'm not obsessed about it...
Are you catholic btw? if so, then maybe you should become a monk lol , this way you would never worry about dating.
No, I'm presbyterian (like Orwell)... that said, if I were a roman catholic, I would probably have a better shot since there's a larger base pool to choose from... Roman Catholic churches are all over the world as well, whereas Presbyterianism really only has a presence in native English speaking countries like the US and Great Britain...