My observations about physical attractiveness and arrogance
Frankly I like to be me even though there's some of me I wish I could change comfortably.
Yes, unfortunately, a lot of us are exactly as you have said: superficial. You know, it is sadistically ironic, this whole notion of superficiality and "nice guys, bad guys, girls" and whatever else.
Nice guys, along with all the other "types" of guys, are after one thing primarily above all else, physical attractiveness. Why? Because we are wired to be sexually attracted to a woman based on what she looks like physically, personality and interests are a secondary factor.
What is so terribly ironic is this, nice guys complain about ALL the women they like being taken up by "confident guys, arrogant guys", etc and so forth. The truth is this though, nice guys are mourning the loss of physically attractive women, average to below average women don't apply to their complaints. It is only the attractive ones that most guys go after.
This leaves the average to below average girls left, which, as cruel as it may sound, nice guys or not really interested in. Nice guys want the prime cuts as well. Now, there are exceptions and what not, but there seems to be an ironic pattern. Superficiality is relative to ALL people, no one is truly unconditional.
Frankly I like to be me even though there's some of me I wish I could change comfortably.
Yes, unfortunately, a lot of us are exactly as you have said: superficial. You know, it is sadistically ironic, this whole notion of superficiality and "nice guys, bad guys, girls" and whatever else.
Nice guys, along with all the other "types" of guys, are after one thing primarily above all else, physical attractiveness. Why? Because we are wired to be sexually attracted to a woman based on what she looks like physically, personality and interests are a secondary factor.
What is so terribly ironic is this, nice guys complain about ALL the women they like being taken up by "confident guys, arrogant guys", etc and so forth. The truth is this though, nice guys are mourning the loss of physically attractive women, average to below average women don't apply to their complaints. It is only the attractive ones that most guys go after.
This leaves the average to below average girls left, which, as cruel as it may sound, nice guys or not really interested in. Nice guys want the prime cuts as well. Now, there are exceptions and what not, but there seems to be an ironic pattern. Superficiality is relative to ALL people, no one is truly unconditional.
Yeah, Plain Jane never gets any....

I live as I choose or I will not live at all.
~Delores O’Riordan
Frankly I like to be me even though there's some of me I wish I could change comfortably.
The question is.......... why do women put up with it?
You make a valid point, but I must ask, what makes a guy want to wait around until he is 30 to start looking for romantic partners? It is difficult enough for guys to be single for a long time around 15-22, but to wait around till 26-30, that certainly is a long wait. In the mean time, a lot of these guys my age and younger will be looking at porn all the time and masturbating to relieve their lustful feelings. It sucks, it does, and it is pain an ass to wait for most (not all) women to stop being so arrogant and stuck up, and to finally wise up.
One thing I would point out is that age is also a big factor here, with many women, even the "arrogant" ones, getting more and more humility the closer they get to 30 and past that.
As I've stated in a lot of other posts, there's somewhat of a power imbalance in male-female relationships in the teen and very early 20s. Women mature earlier both physically and mentally, and are basically "ahead" of many of their same-age male peers. Men eventually catch up in their early 20s, but until that point, are operating at a disadvantage.
The other issue is that most people in their teens (we're talking middle-class first world residents here, not child farmers in Nigeria) do not have assets other than their looks and their intelligence/personality, being fairly dependent on their parents until they leave college (and sometimes beyond that). Since we've already established men are somewhat deficient compared to their same-age female peers during that period, women gravitate to guys who either are older and more mature, or act that way.
Meanwhile, men are more interested in sex at this age than women. Attractive women learn very early on they have a sort of "currency" they can use, but it's double-edged. As someone else mentioned, it starts to become old very quickly when everyone is approaching you and bothering you because of your looks, and not bothering with the person inside. This is probably why women who are especially pretty react more to a guy who doesn't seem interested in them -- right away, he has set himself apart from the pack. They don't need someone to tell them they are pretty, everyone is doing that already -- they need someone to actually be interested in them as a person, or to at least be a challenge.
Once everyone gets out of the college age though, all bets are off. Women tend to be more strategic in who they pick for a long-term partner, tending to pick guys who have good job prospects, personality traits, etc., and don't weigh looks in as strongly. Men don't tend to find the woman's job as important, but are interested in looks, health --- signs that the woman is fertile (this may be subconscious) and that she could live to raise good, healthy children.
Women start getting a lot less picky about looks and other things the closer they get to 30, when their fertility starts declining. Men don't really lose fertility, so in the end, they have literally the whole age range to choose from, especially considering that the older they get, the more assets they have, and the more valuable they are as a mate.
So don't despair about the arrogant girls -- it more than equalizes at the end.
Last edited by AutisticMalcontent on 19 Apr 2009, 2:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
Frankly I like to be me even though there's some of me I wish I could change comfortably.
This fella knows what you are talking about...

Just because a girl is attractive doesn't mean she is a total b***h. That's lumping a whole lot of women into one category.
I have been described as a pretty attractive female. I am not boasting, but I want to let you know what I have experienced.
I get rejected ALL the time. I am intelligent, nice, kind hearted, sweet and sometimes funny! My social skills are not the best, but I have learned over the years what to do in most situations, even if I don't like it.
Guys do the SAME thing you are describing. There are many, many guys that want a "b***h" for lack of a better word. I have heard guys tell me I am "too nice." Over the years I have developed more self confidence however, and though I am still no social butterfly, I can hold my own in most situations.
I think a lot of attraction, for both men AND women, has to do with how the other person perceives themselves. If you meet someone who seems to value themself, then they seem more attractive. Guys don't realize how attractive confidence is. You don't have to be the best looking man, or the life of the party. If you have a backbone and don't bend to our every whim, we will find you more attractive. I think the same thing goes for guys.
I could totally be off the mark here. After all, I AM a thirty one year old single mom! Not exactly in the place to be giving relationship advice, huh? lol
I have observed th same thing you talk about. They men want the b***h/bad-girl and the women want the ass/bad-boy. I have exerienced wanting the bad girl and rejecting the good girl. As a guy who is nice most of the time, I have had lots of women keep me as a friend and tell me about their troubles wth the bad-boy. I've been a bad-boy, gotten a girl, turned good-bo and then been dumped...
Why do we do this? Why do we want people who are bad for us? Why dn't nice people lie eachother?
The river tells no lies - but, the dishonest man, standing near, will hear them. - Oma
I am not responsible for what I say - you are! I am only responsible for the words I speak. - me
Frankly I like to be me even though there's some of me I wish I could change comfortably.
This fella knows what you are talking about...

Hahaha...that poor kid's going to age beyond his age.
I live as I choose or I will not live at all.
~Delores O’Riordan
As has already been stated age has a lot to do with it. Women tend to shed a lot of superficial behaviors once they reach 30, give or take a couple of years.
It also depends on "when" she became attractive. When i was a teenager i was very thin and just felt unattractive and top that off with a very critical mother and my self esteem was in the toilet. I blossomed in my early 20s and didn't even realize that i had turned into a very attractive person (no arrogance here, it is what it is. I started attracting a lot of attention from men and receiving compliments i didn't even know how to handle).
Since I didn't really get this way until my early 20s the shy and awkward teen still lived in my head somewhat and arrogance never did set in. I have seen this same phenomenom occur with women who might have been heavy as teens who lost weight in their 20s, or girls who had bad acne or braces etc in their youth whose esteem was very low. Often when they 'blossom' the person who was very NOT superficial and shallow still remains despite the outward changes.
As for men who chase the b***h or women who chase the bad boy again it all goes back to self esteem. Confident people do NOT chase b*****s or bad boys. They know they deserve better. The men and women who don't feel they deserve more will often fall for people who treat them like crap because they think that is all they can get. The worse they are treated the more 'love sick' they think they are. I'd suggest instead of envying the b***h and bad boys for getting more hits i would instead be glad as hell i avoided the arms of such people with low self esteem like that as they could very well make for a dysfunctional partner.