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08 Apr 2014, 9:39 pm

Northeastern292 wrote:
If I was a girl I'd be all over you. I'm a Scorpio.

LOL! Just my luck. So, that's what I should be looking for then, a Scorpio (preferably female)?

Shterna wrote:
I am fond of Chinese astrology, interior design psychology.

Tell me more about this "interior design psychology," it sounds intense! Hehe. Chinese astrology, you say? I think I'm a Beaver. Doesn't sound very cool.. :/

Somehow this became a thread about astrology o_O

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." - Marcus Aurelius
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." - Plato


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09 Apr 2014, 12:27 am

Age: 18
Location: Dunedin, New Zealand
Height: 5' 7"
Eye Color: Blue
Hair color: Brown but people keep on saying it's Ash Blonde
Build: Chubby, slightly overweight (but working on it)
Interests: Computers, Comedy, Music (from any decade mostly). I'm a huge Benny Hill fan and love the likes of Monty Python, The Two Ronnies, Last of the Summer Wine etc....

I'm shy at first, but once I get to know someone, I'm loud and proud, I'm normally the funny guy of the group, I have a dirty mind, so I can make a joke about anything, and nothings out of bounds.

Dunno why I'm doing this, probably just bordem I guess.

"He was slower than a nudist trying to climb a barbed wire fence" - Benny Hill

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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09 Apr 2014, 1:09 am

TheHermit wrote:
Tell me more about this "interior design psychology," it sounds intense! Hehe. Chinese astrology, you say? I think I'm a Beaver. Doesn't sound very cool.. :/

interior design and psychology, of course :)
But interior design psychology can be a good idea. Thanks . :thumright:
Beaver - does sound cool, but this is not about you :) . If I have a birth date I can say precisely who you are.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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10 Apr 2014, 3:58 pm

Name: My name is so damn unusual, it's pretty much a red arrow pointing me out on the 'net. You can call me Odd (coincidentally, I am quite odd).
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Looking for: Female
AS Level: Aspergers (professional diagnosis)
Personality type: INTJ. I'm very rational, introverted, introspective and honest. I also have an extreme sense of empathy towards other people. I'm extremely confident and comfortable with myself.
Profession: IT Consultant
Education: Vocational highschool (IT-related), half a college degree in IT systems administration.
Other Hobbies: Playing the piano, reproducing stuff I hear on the radio and making my own songs.
Body type: Small body frame, quite slim. I'm a tiny bit chubby because of bad workout habits, but I consider that a very temporary condition.
Religion: Atheist.
Politics: Socially liberal, economically undecided. I believe in the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest amount of people, so in that sense you might describe me as an economical utilitarian. I think political parties are a kind of "trap" to stop people from having independent opinions.
Life goals: To become a God. (I'm not completely joking here, I'm really interested in self improvement and attaining new levels of consciousness (no hippie stuff, just rational thinking)... whoops double parenthesis).
Cats or Dogs: No
Car: Yes
Intoxicants: Alcohol when a social situation forces me to. Maybe coffee if I'm feeling dangerous.
TV: Don't watch a lot of TV. I really like Seinfeld, House, The Simpsons, Dexter and all kinds of sketch comedy (Monty Python, anyone?).
Movies: I like movies that give insight into the human condition, and/or movies that present unique perspectives on life. I also like to watch REALLY REALLY bad movies and just laugh at them until I cry.
Music: The few times I listen to music, I like to listen to Classical/instrumental, Jazz, Blues and what you'd call "the classics". I mostly listen to my own music.
Star Wars or Star Trek: Star trek. That show has a LOT of real philosophical and ethical perspectives to teach. Captain Picard owns.
Comics: Not really.
Books: Books are my go-to type of entertainment media. I probably go through hundreds every year. I really like historical / grand novels, and I'm also a huge fan of Science Fiction. My favorite book is "Stranger in a Strange Land" by Robert Heinlein, which is basically about some kind of alien Asperger-god who comes to Earth to fix the human race. (SPOILER: He ends up being torn apart limb by limb by an angry mob of people who don't want to be happy)
Things which make me odd(er): My absolute sense of justice and integrity. My complete lack of any life experience whatsoever. (I wonder if the two are related?) The usual list of symptoms (facial semi-blindness, dyspraxia, poor spatial awareness, poor proprioception).
My looks: Pretty good, I guess (wow, feels like I'm starting to brag a bit too much here). Fairly decent facial symmetry, more or less normal body frame, clean cut and clear complexion. Very little facial hair and body hair in general. I usually dress in nice jeans and fancyish V-neck sweaters. I feel like a picture would be a bit easier, I'll send by PM if asked.
Things I like in girls:
- Honesty
- Empathy
- Confidence
- The ability and need to reciprocate feelings/thoughts
- Intelligence
- Humor
- Being physically attractive is a plus, but vastly overrated.

Location: Norway. Oh god, I guess this is the real deal-breaker. I feel like there's no one like me in the entire country.

In a way, I "woke up" to human life a very short while ago. I have almost never connected with other human beings so far in my life. I have never been in a relationship before. I think I'd appreciate meeting a girl who's in the same situation, but it's by no means a requirement. I think I could get some kind of NT one night stand pretty easily (there's that bloated ego again), but I'd rather not go down that route. I need a real human being, not a paper cutout.

At the risk of sounding desperate, remember that we have this invention called air planes that can travel across the globe.

You can find my complete "resume" here: http://www.wrongplanet.net/postt255764.html <--- That's basically my entire life story unfolded in grotesque honesty and detail. Like I said, I'm a very honest and open person.

If this all sounds overconfident, dry, careless or just plain stupid, then that's just my weird sense of humor. Forgive me.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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11 Apr 2014, 2:32 am

I'm looking for a girl that would suit me, mainly to become really good friends with. (I find it easy to like other people, but it's hard for me to fall in love). Which is, someone who is around 20-32 years, vegetarian/vegan, and who likes to go barefoot as much as possible, likes to be out when it rains (at least in the summer), likes to climb trees, and likes adventure and traveling and seeing new places, and who think that tents and hotels and stuff like that is unnecessary since just a sleepingbag is good enough wherever in the world you go. Someone that doesn't care much about what other thinks about her, who is kinda an anarchist/communist or something like that and doesn't have any real plans to work for money all week long and prefer to have flexible time, and who is impulsive, spontaneous and creative and likes to learn new things and knowledge. Ideally quite childish (in a positive way) and uncomplicated for the most part, who finds it easy to like and trust others as long as they deserve it, and who is almost always very positive and in a good mood. Someone that fits as many things as possible of that. :D

The thing that is different for myself, is that I unfortunately don't have much experience when it comes to traveling, but you're supposed to focus and think about what you want in the future so therefore it's the right thing to say I'm interested in it, and I haven't done it mostly because I've never had anyone to travel with. In addition, I'm a guy, and live in Sweden so someone from there would be perfect, but I don't care that much where in the world someone lives. The main shortcoming of myself (according to me) is that I find it hard to talk in reality with people I don't know and to do things I've never done before, mostly because I easily get nervous and uncertain then, plus that I'm somewhat clumsy socially, but I still feel it's much more fun to do things with others than alone. :D


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12 Apr 2014, 10:49 am

I'm male from SE UK (London) in my early 30s, straight.


Looking for someone...

  • Who doesn't take themselves seriously and can see the funny side of life
  • Has a strong independent streak, and knows own mind
  • Isn't looking for a "conventional" relationship
  • Has own opinions and interests
  • I could converse with on the same level
  • Emotionally mature
  • Secure enough in themselves that we could trust each other to do our own thing, and spend quality time rather than being co-dependent
  • Isn't "people obsessive", and is realistic about exceptions of new relations or people they don't know in real life
  • Around the same age

Physical attributes

Everyone has preferences, but a can be wrong about what I like.

Having said that I could go on what I have found attractive in women. Excessive makeup is not really necessary, I like women who are naturally feminine look without trying to be "girly" in look or style. That does not mean they have to adhere to female stereotypes, on the contrary.

About me

I'm someone who is low maintenance, who is interested in much the same.

I'm not conventional in any way. Somewhat of a radical. Not to be obtuse or contrary, it is just who I am.

I do benefit greatly from social contact, but I don't need a huge amount of it to be happy, but what little I get (from a small group of friends) is really awesome. I think a relationship conducive with this would be fantastic (and about time if I'm honest).

I have found happiness through a specific lifestyle, where I work for myself, and spend majority of my week on my own. This allows me to get enough break from the general populous to stay sane. I've figured out the ideal balance of social and non-social and enjoy both.

At the same time, I have become adept enough at the social graces, to be civil, and can appear somewhat extroverted. It is something I have learned over the years, and do enjoy it, reverting to my minimal asocial nature to get respite for the majority....but do my damnedest to reciprocate.

I'm very independent in spirit. I'm not just saying that, I avoid dependence, if I can help it. I prefer to take my own path. I'm not saying I'm never dependent becuase we all are, just I have an independent streak, and I also find this attractive.

Personally, I would like to meet someone who is independent in spirit, and knows their own mind, and has their own interests, they can occupy themselves, but at the same time is looking for some relationship component. But is secure enough in themselves that they aren't seeking an emotional crutch, but a mutual arrangement.

No carbon copy is necessary, just someone who I can converse with on a roughly equivalent level.

I have specific interests like programming/IT and martial arts, but it really not big deal if that is not your interest. I don't think that every interest is something you have to necessarily share. Truth is I'm so interested in absolutely everything, I love sucking up knowledge like a sponge. My friends think I have some telepathic connection to Wikipedia (not true ;)). Even though I may go on a bit, I don't know everything. I'm just alive with interest, and love random facts.

I am neither looking to prop someone up as "provider" or looking for someone to lean on, instead more of a mutual arrangement between two very independent parties, who have no desire to fit in the conventional mold of a relationship.

I really don't take myself too seriously these days (what's the point? :lol: ). I'm looking for a kindred spirit.

DISCLAIMER please read...

Although I don't use, or am I confined by labels (despite diagnosis), I do get by with less social contact than average and that is what works form many years of experience. I have group of tight friends who I trust. Most others that I engage with are "context friends" or acquaintances.

I don't wish to limit my options, but at the same time I have to be honest about myself. I really don't want someone to waste their time on me if it is clearly not suited.

I have to explain this, it is not at all related to "early days", but something that might be relevant at some point.

If you take you average relationship. For me that has too much co-dependance, than I think would would work.

Neediness or excessive drama, it my biggest bugbear. I think a degree this is a OK in an average relationship, but it is not right for this scenario. It is not really independence.

Emotional maturity is important. It took me a long time to become emotionally mature, so I'm aware of the pitfalls of lacking that awareness.

I'm not a cad, and I'm dependable and monogamous. I just don't need constant attention, and my week does obviously have work component to it, so beyond that I it would be great to spend some quality time with a a compatible person.


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18 Apr 2014, 9:15 am

26/F/Essex looking for 23-31/M/Able to see once a week or more.
I hate politics
I'm above average intelligence but not an "intellectual" as such
I'm open-minded
I like to question sometimes
Having mutual interests doesn't bother me. I'm more interested in the person's views on life.
I can be quite feisty
I love touch on my terms
I'm passionate about and scared of my interests at the same time.
I like straight-forward people. No, I *love* straight-forward people.
I don't talk much. I do if I'm very comfortable around someone.
When someone agrees with me just for politeness's sake or to impress me, I can't bear it. If I ask for an opinion, I much prefer to hear something like, "No, I don't want to go to that restaurant. It's not very good", or, "Yes, I've proof-read this, and I think this and that spelling are wrong, and you need to make this and that paragraph more clear. You could try doing...". I don't mean argumentative, but someone who is able to tell me what they are thinking.
These days I try to "be" and take in the environment around me, kind of like I used to as a child. I like walking and listening to the sounds of nature. I like travelling on public transport and listening to the engine noises, and looking out the window watching all the different shapes, colours, shades of light and textures pass by. I like listening to people telling me interesting things. I like a bit of small talk every now and then for the connection with a person. I'm a bit sensitive, and I'm easily overwhelmed, so I try not to overwhelm myself too much. I like quietness and stillness, and I like people and crowds.

I'm also looking for friendship.


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19 Apr 2014, 11:30 pm


I'm a 28 year old male. From the north-eastern part of Alberta, Canada. I'm a school janitor. Was professionally diagnosed with Aspergers. I love music. I'm an amateur photographer that wants to go pro one day. I like to draw/sketch and paint. I love nature, wildlife. I'm interested in science.

Looking for a female. About 22-34. Doesn't matter if your NT or AS. Has similar interests.

I don't really know what to write for these things. So I will leave it at this.

PM me if you are interested.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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20 Apr 2014, 2:32 pm

Name: Aaron
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Looking for: AS Female
AS Level: Aspergers (professional diagnosis)
Personality type: INFJ. I'm very introverted, introspective and like to discuss personality theory. I'm incredibly accomodating and a great listener, though not the most confident or comfortable with myself lads :/.
Profession: Security Guard (working on a degree in IT)
Education: High School, half a degree in Sociology, going back for an Associates in IT, possibly to transfer and finish in Computer Technology.
Other Hobbies: Playing videogames, travel, fixing computers, cycling, listening to music.
Body type: A little chubby, though I have a small body frame. Very tall.
Religion: Atheist.
Politics: I believe in the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest amount of people. I don't really follow politics as much as I'd like.
Life goals: To be happy and productive. I'm a hopeless romantic so really falling in love is what I hope for most in life.
Cats or Dogs: 1 dog.
Car: No
Intoxicants: Marijuana is always fun, alcohol somewhat less.
TV: Love Scrubs, sketch comedy, Daily Show/Colbert, etc.
Movies: I like movies that give insight into the human condition, and/or movies that present unique perspectives on life, such as The Truman Show and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
Music: Indie, Classic Rock, Underground Hip-Hop a little, old school, a lot of fusion-based stuff.
Star Wars or Star Trek: Star Wars.
Comics: Not my thing.
Books: College made me dislike reading for fun, but I can't pass up a good book recommendation :)
Things which make me odd(er): Attended an Ivy League school, didn't finish. Very well-versed in the Great Books. Love transportation. The usual list of symptoms (facial semi-blindness, dyspraxia, poor spatial awareness, poor proprioception). Extremely well-versed in music and musical history of bands/artists.
My looks: Pretty good, I would say (see picture above).
Things I like in girls:
- Dedication
- Empathy
- Confidence
- Inquisitive (I love being asked questions)
- Humor

Location: Los Angeles, CA (Though I'm open to virtually anywhere. I'm open to online relationships. PM me!)

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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24 Apr 2014, 1:22 am

26 year old male from MN
6'3 220. Dark blonde hair. Pretty decent shape.
I work full time overnights, so its hard for me to meet new people, (the AS doesn't help either)
looking for a girl of up to about 35 from anywhere. Someone to just start chatting with and see where it goes.

I'm really into cycling, and I have a strong Christian faith.
Hopefully you'll have more questions for me.

My Pics


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25 Apr 2014, 7:40 pm

I am 35, divorced, with 2 kids.
I live in central Indiana, and I design and make jewelry from home.
I am physically not the best, I don't think I'm pretty, but I am intelligent, nice, caring, helpful, funny, witty, and reserved.
I love to read, watch movies, go bowling (the one place multiple loud noises don't bother me), go camping, go for walks, drive aimlessly, sit out at night and look at stars, study random topics, and I love making jewelry. My dream job would be as a librarian who makes jewelry in her time off.
I do not like large crowds, I am very non-materialistic, I like quiet, and I spend most of my time with my kids. I only have a few close friends, meeting new people makes me anxious and awkward.

I am a huge Firefly and Hitchhiker's Guide fan, and I also love Star Trek, Sherlock, A Song of Fire and Ice, the Dresden Files, and Harry Potter.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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27 Apr 2014, 12:01 am

Sex: Female
Age: 28
Location: United States , Oregon
Appearance: 5'5", brown/black (dyed black) hair, hazel eyes, thin average
Music: mostly rock
TV/movies: anything horror or action
Drink: Sometimes
Smoke: No
Interests: writing, music, gothic art, black and white photography, some video games
Personality: Introverted, nonjudgmental, kind, honest, open-minded
Looking for M/F who is loyal, caring, and nonjudgmental...


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27 Apr 2014, 3:37 am

I'm going to take the lazy option and link my Okcupid profile in lieu of a proper entry here.

Summary: 25/m/uk, living in Ipswich but between Ipswich and the Wirral, where I was born, following a break-up.



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29 Apr 2014, 12:49 am

River Tam, you had me at "Firefly"!

And Ash, you, uh.. I umm... you're.. cute. *runs away*

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." - Marcus Aurelius
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." - Plato


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06 May 2014, 1:20 pm

Obstinate wrote:
Name: Aaron
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Looking for: AS Female
AS Level: Aspergers (professional diagnosis)
Personality type: INFJ. I'm very introverted, introspective and like to discuss personality theory. I'm incredibly accomodating and a great listener, though not the most confident or comfortable with myself lads :/.
Profession: Security Guard (working on a degree in IT)
Education: High School, half a degree in Sociology, going back for an Associates in IT, possibly to transfer and finish in Computer Technology.
Other Hobbies: Playing videogames, travel, fixing computers, cycling, listening to music.
Body type: A little chubby, though I have a small body frame. Very tall.
Religion: Atheist.
Politics: I believe in the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest amount of people. I don't really follow politics as much as I'd like.
Life goals: To be happy and productive. I'm a hopeless romantic so really falling in love is what I hope for most in life.
Cats or Dogs: 1 dog.
Car: No
Intoxicants: Marijuana is always fun, alcohol somewhat less.
TV: Love Scrubs, sketch comedy, Daily Show/Colbert, etc.
Movies: I like movies that give insight into the human condition, and/or movies that present unique perspectives on life, such as The Truman Show and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
Music: Indie, Classic Rock, Underground Hip-Hop a little, old school, a lot of fusion-based stuff.
Star Wars or Star Trek: Star Wars.
Comics: Not my thing.
Books: College made me dislike reading for fun, but I can't pass up a good book recommendation :)
Things which make me odd(er): Attended an Ivy League school, didn't finish. Very well-versed in the Great Books. Love transportation. The usual list of symptoms (facial semi-blindness, dyspraxia, poor spatial awareness, poor proprioception). Extremely well-versed in music and musical history of bands/artists.
My looks: Pretty good, I would say (see picture above).
Things I like in girls:
- Dedication
- Empathy
- Confidence
- Inquisitive (I love being asked questions)
- Humor

Location: Los Angeles, CA (Though I'm open to virtually anywhere. I'm open to online relationships. PM me!)

I met this guy in the physical life! GREAT GUY, LADIES! *Promotion for my friend* :D

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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06 May 2014, 1:34 pm

Age :25
Occupation : Cook
Born : Puerto Rico
Race : White/Puerto Rican
Location : Dallas ,TX (Mckinney to be more precise) living with Sister and Brother-in-law, and 3 yr old niece

Interests: Games, Grilling, Magic TCG, Anime/Manga, (50% of you just stopped reading here), Comics (Marvel), Movies, TV shows (Supernatural, Good Eats, etc) and MMO's

Looking for a relationship with a female.

I am just a Big ol teddy bear (for some reason that phrase is a turn off for people and I don't know why but I stick with it) that would do anything to make sure the lady I like is Happy and taking care of...meaning I can be extremely loyal (That's right we DO exist).

I work a at Creperie making crepes.

I have lived All over the US most of my life but have yet touched the West Coast.

I graduated High School (Class of '08) (Would be '07 if Alabama state regulations would just allow the transfer of all credits)

I went to school at the Le cordon Bleu in Dallas.

I am on Disability because I'm am such a hybrid of being a NT, Aspie, and autisim (same thing but different..its complicated they did a study on me when I was really little when I was 5) and because of that I don't nor can not get a license ( I zone out a lot and cant trust myself driving a car, The one con about me)

I like to get things done when I can As soon as I can so that way I have more time to laze around.

I like to keep things that need to be planned out structured (like going to a event, work, etc.) because I feel like I'll miss out on something great..which has happened often when I was growing up. otherwise I can adapt to whatever.

If you read everything and now reading this..you are a Good Person.