cberg wrote:
I think the suggestion that some people are just lacking in personality implies more of a perceptual block around recognizing some personal traits. People overall are fascinating in the right perspective. I mean humanity also seriously freaks me out & generally intensifies my tendency toward isolation, although I can only hazard a guess that that's the mental block I'm supposed to be working on.
Honestly I think people are working on themselves here, even if anyone & everyone's more depressed posts just intensify a bunch of ongoing miscommunication, I think people are on here for a good reason. Coming up with reasons why so many of us have been or are alone strikes me as a zero sum. Telling people why women in general expect this & that or why guys should/shouldn't be doing [whatever] is such a pain in the a$$, just focus on some good things about good people for once.
I don't think you are the kind of person that thread was referring to. You are introspective, reflective, and your viewpoint isn't entirely extrinsic. No one was trying to say that women expect the same things, and no one was saying men are "lesser."
Anyway, I know you didn't want anyone to bring that here, but I'm so incredibly frustrated by being not listened to, misunderstood, and dismissed. So this point has now come full circle. We're all in the same world. Can't we just be reasonable and open for once.
The phone ping from a pillow fort in a corn maze
I don't have a horse in your war games
I don't even really like horses
I like wild orchids and neighbors with wide orbits