quite an extreme wrote:
Pepe wrote:
quite an extreme wrote:
Pepe wrote:
I understand,
Vielleicht könntest du auch auf Englisch posten?

May be next time again.

What are you paying for this?

DeepL (
https://www.deepl.com ) is astonishingly good if it comes to translate this. I did just check it.
Once you are courious about it you may give it a try. Of course it did translate 'Eier' with 'eggs' instead of 'balls'. Not having them means being a p*ssy. The right translation would be 'guts' for this.

Don't get the wrong idea.
I don't think mein Deutsch ist gut.
And I haven't got a clue about German grammar.
I can understand German verbally better than I can speak it or read it,
Aber es muss hochdeutsch sein.

Sounds like you are willingly to pay a lot then ...

I was quite sure that you are really nice and that we would totally understand each other once it comes to this.
Guess the point is that it's not always as easy to express some stuff in a language were you are lacking a lot of words or the right phrases. Most of what I writed here is rather an artifical and partly 'Germanized' English. But I hope to improve a lttle bit in English here as well.
I truly understand the difficulty, and frustration, in trying to communicate in a "non-native" language.
And I don't want to offend you.
It is good to have a German guy on here I can relate to.
Should we kiss now, or later?
Perhaps you can use your translator and post in both Englisch und Deutsch?
And, yes, I know, translators don't always translate the best.