WantToHaveALife wrote:
if i could come back reincarnated as an animal, i would be a Bull Elephant Seal, besides, it's estimated that the vast majority of adult male Elephant Seals die virgins, never get to mate, so i would have a brotherhood of other guys who share the pain of being unsuccessful with women
Or you could just do what cricketman is doing.
I'm not hiding anything, either. Any time monogamy is the goal, only ONCE will you be successful. I can't emphasize that enough. What's important during this process is to count the small victories along the way.
Cricketman is starting from ZERO experience. Sure he's a few months into this journey, but look at what he's gotten done so far. He started out with no confidence. Now he's got girls initiating contact with him, and he's worked up to having actual, meaningful conversations. He's poised to get his first date with a girl.
Is it LIKELY to change his relationship status? No, and we accept that. We're not looking for marriage proposals or even a second date. We just want more than what we HAD. And that's enough.
The more you repeat the process, the odds increase that you get more dates. The more dates you get, the more likely you'll get in a relationship. The more relationships you have, the more likely you'll get married and make babies. To get married, you'll fail in all your other relationships. To get in a relationship, you'll either reject or be by rejected the other women you go out with. On your way to getting dates, you'll reject and be rejected by other women.
It's never MEANT to work out. So you focus on what went right, not what went wrong. I asked a girl out. She turned me down, but I ASKED A GIRL OUT! Never did that before. I asked 10 girls out, and one of them accepted!! ! I don't think I'll get a second date, but I WENT OUT WITH A GIRL!
Heck, I'd even ask a lesbian out knowing full well it wouldn't go anywhere. "You seem really cool, and I'd like to know more about ____. Can we get together, say, next Tuesday and _____?" "Ummmm...you know I'm not into guys, right?" "Yeeeaaah...don't care. I thought it was cool that you're into ____ and I'd like to hang out and learn more. Plus I've never been out with a girl and thought it wouldn't hurt anything to hang out.
" It's a long shot, but it beats nothing. And you never know... A girl who goes out with you just because she feels sorry for you is still a girl that goes out with you!! ! Take nothing for granted."