swbluto wrote:
Pretend that your life experiences have shown you that absolutely no girl is interested in you because of your aspergian characteristics. Well, that's not strictly true BUT rather, it's that SO FEW girls in real life are interested in you that doing the "searching process" is not sufficiently efficient like it is for your everyday NT such that it's kind of impractical. So, what do you do when you have a sex drive? Get a prostitute! Simple, quick and far less costly.
This seems totally rational to me. What's your take?
UMMM well if getting a prostitute subs for a girlfriend that really says a lot about you and where your intrests lie... i wont go so far to say that women are only objects to you (which may be tru i dont know) but i can say from your statement that if all your interested in is sex then you dont really need or deserve a good girlfriend...