I don't want to date poor people

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02 Oct 2016, 4:29 am

sly279 wrote:
RetroGamer87 wrote:
sly279 wrote:
Aspiegrrrl wrote:
Eurythmic wrote:
I don't know if the OP was a troll or being serious, but certainly female hypergamy is a real thing. It's becoming apparent now that more females are higher earners and can't "lower themselves" to dating someone who earns less than them. I find it quite amusing to watch!
Well, then clearly those girls prefer being single to adjusting their standards - a legit choice, albeit one I'd like to think I wouldn't make.

Fwiw, my current Bf makes a bit less than me and it isn't an issue.
What if it was a lot less.
Say you make 22-30 and hour and he makes $10 and hour working part time?

Lots of women are single probably forever as there's a marriageable male shortage
Not true. I know a lot of guys who get paid more than $22 per hour.
The median .house income here is $19 so that's two min wage incomes or house with only one working person making 19 and hour.
Australia a is wierd place where your welfare people get paid as much as our middle class.

And the job is just one of bunch requiremtns. They have to be athletic, handsome, have a car and their own place.

There's a lot of women who've been single for the past 10 years or so. They complain there's not any men to date. Boo hoo. :roll: sorry that I'm not a man apparently
I wish I knew women like that, all the nice young women here already have boyfriends.

I know you want women to to to choosey but if they were that would increase the chance of them already being in a relationship before they ever met you.

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02 Oct 2016, 5:35 am

Sly, it is a good and bad thing that Australian welfare receivers get payed the same as U.S. middle class.

You've got to remember though our dollar is worth less than yours.

An unemployed Australian with a payment of $300 per fortnight is $230 USD.

Housing rental is not as expensive yet as some U.S. cities, but it's rising each year.

Anyway, it's good because obviously more money for people to live off, but bad because it encourages a higher unemployment rate.

A lot of unemployed Australians do still struggle, mainly families where neither of the parents work and such, but if you're a single male or female living on their own in a cheap one bedroom apartment, it's really not too hard to live-off if you play your cards and save your money right.

University education is also easier to pay for and not as unfair as the U.S. tuition system.

And I agree with both you and Retrogamer.

It really does feel like healthy minded N.T. girls are just so successful and amazing and it's difficult to live up to their standards.

Like I have said many times it is in my experiences most people want to date someone at the same 'level' as them so most aspie men and women who are even slightly less successful than the average person seem to have to scrape the absolute bottom of the barrell because people who are unsucessful are a minority and have a higher rate of being lower middle class, subtance abuse, anti-social, suffering multiple mental disorders, criminal types etc.

All I have going for me is sufficient bank account though I'm on disability payment, I am average height of 176cm/5'9'', a fit and strong body that I am working towards making look as good as possible and an average face I am well-groomed and dress well.

I have hobbies and interests, high school graduate and not much else.

If only I was blessed with good looks, even if I was just a 6 or 7/10 I don't have to be a 9 or 10/10 model type looking guy but just slightly above average rather than completely average look I have now.

If I can't impress the opposite sex with my job (or lack thereof) and lack of being in education atm then at the very least I could have attracted them with my looks.

I know it sounds ridiculous for me to be complaining at 17, I know girl's really don't care as much about these things right now, but that's the problem - they will.

It feels like the rat race has only gotten faster and faster in the past few decades and taking even a year or two off before going to university is a deathwish that will make you fall lightyears behind your former high school classmates.

I already feel light years behind everyone else my age I went to high school with, even the high school dropouts at least most of them have jobs or are studying alternate things.

I have however taken steps to overcome my disability but in the eyes of society this means nothing even though I'm doing the best I can taking little steps at a time.

It won't be too long before they do start to care and want me to 'get my sh•t' together.

The future looks bleak.


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02 Oct 2016, 7:54 am

It's rigged, bro.

But you have to be smart about breaking the "rig."

Thinking about working-class this and middle-class that is useless.

I hope you don't give up before you even start in life.

Go out and do some parkour, bro.

Girls hate this kind of useless talk. They get tired of the same old complaints.

I know from experience.


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02 Oct 2016, 4:08 pm

RetroGamer87 wrote:
sly279 wrote:
RetroGamer87 wrote:
sly279 wrote:
Aspiegrrrl wrote:
Eurythmic wrote:
I don't know if the OP was a troll or being serious, but certainly female hypergamy is a real thing. It's becoming apparent now that more females are higher earners and can't "lower themselves" to dating someone who earns less than them. I find it quite amusing to watch!
Well, then clearly those girls prefer being single to adjusting their standards - a legit choice, albeit one I'd like to think I wouldn't make.

Fwiw, my current Bf makes a bit less than me and it isn't an issue.
What if it was a lot less.
Say you make 22-30 and hour and he makes $10 and hour working part time?

Lots of women are single probably forever as there's a marriageable male shortage
Not true. I know a lot of guys who get paid more than $22 per hour.
The median .house income here is $19 so that's two min wage incomes or house with only one working person making 19 and hour.
Australia a is wierd place where your welfare people get paid as much as our middle class.

And the job is just one of bunch requiremtns. They have to be athletic, handsome, have a car and their own place.

There's a lot of women who've been single for the past 10 years or so. They complain there's not any men to date. Boo hoo. :roll: sorry that I'm not a man apparently
I wish I knew women like that, all the nice young women here already have boyfriends.

I know you want women to to to choosey but if they were that would increase the chance of them already being in a relationship before they ever met you.

You want stuck up picky women? 0.o


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02 Oct 2016, 4:13 pm

birds of a feather flock together.


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02 Oct 2016, 4:25 pm

I was under the impression that welfare people there got 2,500 a month
I get 730 a month from ss
Middle class is 2000 and up

Housing is expensive everywhere, our rent keep going up only reason we have a house is cause of government housing assistance

I think some of the women must be lying that or women are just way way more better at life then men. There's a lot and I mean a lot of poor men who ever travel or went to college so I'd imagined an similar amount of women but profiles don't show this
Where are all the poor women who never went to college and live at home?

From what I seen most women only want to date men who are above them not equal.
Min wage women don't want to date their equal min wage men they demand middle class men.

Well at least you have your looks. I don't have anything, I'm poor low class, ugly, no car, and live with roommates aka my family.
I have some nice electronics and shave stuff but that's it.

Get a gf now and she'll love you and have a 60% chance of staying with you in the future. Her love for you will mean more then the other stuff but women in the future won't let love have a chance if you don't have a good job car and house.

There's lots of people who met their wife's wife times got bad for them and the wife stayed with them. But few if any who met their gf/wife while in tough times. That said there's a lot of should I leave him cause he's got a crapnjob threads.

I went to college and got a degree all I have to show for it is 12,000 in school debt. Hasn't helped one bit to find a girl. They don't care about education it's about the high paying job education should lead to.
If you go to college befor you do look into the job market what jobs are needed which of those pay most which of those can you actually do then get a degree for that job and be prepared to find out that your degree means shut and they prefer someone with experience who doesn't have a degree

That's what happen to me I can't do mechanics and they'd often hire degree less people with experience working over me and others with degrees. Then have those people get degrees.

Your future may be better then mine

Who's going want a ugly 30s old guy permanently on disability :cry:
I'm not even good enough to be in a abusive relationship :cry: :cry:


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02 Oct 2016, 4:27 pm

auntblabby wrote:
birds of a feather flock together.



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02 Oct 2016, 4:33 pm

nice people tend to stick with nice people, and aholes pair tend to up with other aholes, I've found. sometimes you will see an unfortunate combo of ahole and nice person, but such relationships tend to deteriorate into abuse.


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02 Oct 2016, 7:50 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
It's rigged, bro.

But you have to be smart about breaking the "rig."

Thinking about working-class this and middle-class that is useless.

I hope you don't give up before you even start in life.

Go out and do some parkour, bro.

Girls hate this kind of useless talk. They get tired of the same old complaints.

I know from experience.

I know.

I just feel so much pressure though, already.

The negativity of this place is a factor.

It feels very easy nowadays to fall behind other people. I already do feel behind other people.

Before you press university I am holding it off for the beginning of 2018 rather than next year.

In the next year I will continue to do what I've been doing now, seeking disability services, community groups and events, trying to overcome my Agoraphobia and anxiety, etc. and see where I'll be in a year's time.

I don't feel ready for university yet, I feel I'd be more prepared by this time next year and lodge an application in then.

The thing is, personally I don't actually care about career or how much money I have or success or any of that.

All I really want is enough money to live a stable life, not live paycheck to paycheck, eventually access services that can help me live alone, and I'd actually be okay with living the rest of my life on disability living alone and maybe eventually learning to drive if it means I have good friends, family and a girlfriend if it means I can also dedicate myself to my music and my health and fitness.

But that's often not what other people want.

It would probably limit my chances at a relationship or even the opportunities available to make friends if I'm not working towards getting an education and a successful career.

It feels like things were probably a little easier for Aspies in the past, at least the one's high functioning enough to be capable of working or learning, even if we do struggle more.

A degree wasn't as required for as many jobs and there were more jobs, anti-social jobs, that have been replaced my machines.

I know I'm not the only one going through this.

I hear a lot of Millenials attending university in their late teens and early 20s also complain just how screwed they feel the modern system is regarding jobs, the economy and cost of education.

It all just sounds like so much.

Pressure to get a job so that you're appealing enough to the opposite sex, pressure to attend university and get in now while you can, and all for mountains of debt and struggle to find a job even after anyway.

It's rigged, but I guess the key to life is to enjoy the ride and make the best of it.



I can't remember exactly but it's far lower than that, and it really depends on a lot of factors like age, living conditions, etc.

Youth Allowance, that is a social security payment for unemployed under 25's, is about $150 a fortnight or $300 a month if you're still living at home with your parents, and 250-400 a fortnight or 500-800 a month if you're living away from home.

Youth disability is roughly the same amount as 'living away from home' even if you have disability but are living at home.

So it's not as much as you think, and remember our dollar is worth less there.

Like I said most unemployed Australians live paycheck to paycheck and it is a struggle, but I can see how careful spending can save a lot more and I can see how some young people living alone can live unemployed but it's much harder for families.

It seems the American system is you can get paid 'Social Security' even if you're employed, and if you're unemployed and not disabled you get NO money at all. Right?

It really does sound like "Live to work, Work to live" there.

At least here if you get fired as long as you saved up a decent amount say $1,500 you can go on the unemployment payment quickly and get about $600 a month so even if you get bills that chew that $1,500 up you'd still be able to pay the rent on time and not be out on the streets within the next month or so.

If that's true, then it's different here.

It's either you get money from your job and nothing extra, or if you're unemployed you go on the unemployment payment or disability if you're disabled.

So it's better for us because unemployed people still get money as long as they prove they're looking for work, but it sounds better for you guys because if you're working min. wage you can also get SSI to pay you more money for your disability, right?

Well, we can't do that.

University students get payed a little extra than the average Youth Allowance payment if they can prove they're studying, but that's about it.

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02 Oct 2016, 8:08 pm

If they're someone with no ambitions or who can't manage their basic finances and just want to use you as a source of financial support, then I don't blame you.

But unless it's for pragmatic reasons (such as wanting to start a family), I wouldn't be prejudiced them just because of the amount of digits in their bank account, that just seems snobbish to me.


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02 Oct 2016, 8:15 pm

I used to feel lonely most all the time, could never make relationships last, etc, then I solved my problem, I ensured the pregnancy of my kids mother (err, her anti prego pills strangely stopped working), then i had my son a bit before she dumped me for anther man.

I always wanted a family of my own, and my son is the joy of my life, never mind sex or the drama of relationships where always worry if they are going to stay or leave or if I am making enough money to keep them happy past taking care of our needs, etc etc etc. I am happy going out fishing and playing ball and other games with my son.

Sure I miss the companionship of a woman, but I sure do not miss all the drama and hell they put me through,, and my son loves me regardless of if I am rich or poor..

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02 Oct 2016, 8:21 pm

AspergianMutantt wrote:
I used to feel lonely most all the time, could never make relationships last, etc, then I solved my problem, I ensured the pregnancy of my kids mother (err, her anti prego pills strangely stopped working), then i had my son a bit before she dumped me for anther man. I always wanted a family of my own, and my son is the joy of my life, never mind sex or the drama of relationships where always worry if they are going to stay or leave or if I am making enough money to keep them happy past taking care of our needs, etc etc etc. I am happy going out fishing and playing ball and other games with my son. Sure I miss the companionship of a woman, but I sure do not miss all the drama and hell they put me through,, and my son loves me regardless of if I am rich or poor..

you're a lucky man :wtg: a wife is just a wife until she dumps you for somebody else, but a son is a son for life.

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02 Oct 2016, 8:50 pm

I wouldn't be so cynical - I've met some people, such as older couples who'd been married for over 50 years and were still in love and flirting like high school sweethearts.

It might not be as easy in this day and age, or even possible for every single person on the planet, but I wouldn't poop on it entirely.


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02 Oct 2016, 9:11 pm

sly279 wrote:
I think some of the women must be lying that or women are just way way more better at life then men. There's a lot and I mean a lot of poor men who ever travel or went to college so I'd imagined an similar amount of women but profiles don't show this
Where are all the poor women who never went to college and live at home?

I actually do meet them.

I meet the lower-middle class girls my age but they tend to have bad families and they turned out just like their families.

They're all so negative and hard to deal with.

I don't know why I can't meet any that stayed a nice girl.

My only issue is anxiety and depression. I am more sad in my life and at the world, not angry, bitter and hateful.

"Well at least you have your looks."

What are you talking about?

Honestly it's not that much better.

It's in my experiences that it's very hard for average looking guys to get any attention from women. Ever.

Read my post in the 'Male Virgins' thread for more information of what I mean.

I have average face, decent/average body, average height etc.

I wish I could be slightly more attractive. I don't have to be a 10/10 model but being like a 6 or 7/10 instead of a straight 5 would make things easier.

What are you talking about?

I don't think you're ugly, you should post another pic again soon but I remember you looked like a 5 to me and yes you're good at shaving and keeping the beard clean.

Then again I'm always wondering what an average male looks like and what a 5 even is.

The media and internet exposes me to attractive males all the time and makes me feel like I can't live up to it.

Btw do you know how to maintain a stubble?

Like keep a stubble on your face 24/7.

That's something I wish I could do but I can't so I usually just clean shave one day a week, and then every 2-4 days I'll trim certain parts like clean shave my cheeks and under my neck and keep my mustache and beard disconnected and general cleanup but keep the rest of the stubble on my face.

"I don't have anything, I'm poor low class, ugly, no car, and live with roommates aka my family.
I have some nice electronics and shave stuff but that's it."

Yeah see this is why I'm so negative.

At my age all this stuff is normal but it won't be eventually.

I have all the same things, except for average looks. Do you at least have your learner license?

"Get a gf now and she'll love you and have a 60% chance of staying with you in the future. Her love for you will mean more then the other stuff but women in the future won't let love have a chance if you don't have a good job car and house.

There's lots of people who met their wife's wife times got bad for them and the wife stayed with them. But few if any who met their gf/wife while in tough times. That said there's a lot of should I leave him cause he's got a crapnjob threads."

Yes this is what scares me.

I am at the age where I should get a girlfriend now because this is the only time they don't really care about that stuff because it's normal at our age.

It's normal for most 18-25 year olds to maybe still be living at home, not drive yet, not have a job yet, etc.

Most young people at this age only have some of these things or know friends with these things but don't have them yet themselves.

I find it is expected for most people to 'have their sh•t together' by about age 25 including graduating university, having a job of some kind, owning and driving a car, not being a kissless virgin anymore, etc.

I'm just afraid because it feels hopeless.

I don't feel ready yet but I must act now before I'm 28 and it's all too late.

I've got 7 years until age 25...I've really got to make 'em count to not only find a laidback girlfriend who wouldn't care about that stuff but improve myself anyway so I am studying and do live alone and be able to drive at least, buying a car and getting a job can come later at least I'd have secured a girlfriend by then.

"I went to college and got a degree all I have to show for it is 12,000 in school debt. Hasn't helped one bit to find a girl. They don't care about education it's about the high paying job education should lead to.
If you go to college befor you do look into the job market what jobs are needed which of those pay most which of those can you actually do then get a degree for that job and be prepared to find out that your degree means shut and they prefer someone with experience who doesn't have a degree"

See I don't even know if I want a career.

Of course I would go to university to get a degree in the job I want to do, but I mean I feel like I probably wouldn't after university.

It's like I just want to have the degree so I can get the job if I ever wanted to, but don't want to have to join the workforce straight after studying at uni for 4 years.

It's like if I start university at age 20 and graduate at 26, I'd rather just learn to live alone, volunteer at places, etc. for the next few years and if I decide I finally want a career, I'd start looking for work in my field at age 28 or 30 or something.

So me being in your position doesn't seem so far-off. :(

Almost the only thing that's pushing me to go to university is for the social opportunities, pressure from society (not from family) and to at the very least if I'm studying at uni I can feel like I'm doing something with my life instead of not doing anything right now.

I know if I go to uni the idea of getting the job should come first, but it just doesn't for me right now.

I think a lot of young people just go to university for the same reasons I do, the pressure and to have a social life but otherwise don't like what they're studying or chose too quickly and changed their minds so they only end up in debt and stuff.

I just DON'T want to be that guy.

I want to go to university when I'm ready but by the time I'm ready I could be too far behind.

Why would I start now if the only reason I'm going is 'Looks like he's doing something with his life' and 'has more chances to get a girlfriend and friends'?

I think a lot of people at university really do just do it so they don't look like lazy bums to society, but are otherwise confused and have no idea what the heck they're doing with their lives.


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02 Oct 2016, 9:23 pm

In all honesty, I tried an experiment, I went off like I was doing a job application, made most every menial job I before had seem like a grand thing without actually lying yet not truly saying what it was I done, and I used the ploy and air of utter confidence, let them think I was well off and well to do although not rich, while at the same time not sounding like I am bragging. it was kind of a tango using what I so far felt or though women really wanted or was looking for in a man. It wasn't the real me, not really, truth is I am in many ways insecure as hell, but for that experiment I went all out, just to see what would happen, and I was SHOCKED, women actually started competing and fussing and fighting over me. I never used it again because I do not want to go into any relationships that most likely would crash once the honeymoon period of getting to honestly know each other was over, but it did teach me if I really really wanted too I could attract a female, simply by letting them think they see what they think they want to see.

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02 Oct 2016, 9:34 pm

AspergianMutantt wrote:
In all honesty, I tried an experiment, I went off like I was doing a job application, made most every menial job I before had seem like a grand thing without actually lying yet not truly saying what it was I done, and I used the ploy and air of utter confidence, let them think I was well off and well to do although not rich, while at the same time not sounding like I am bragging. it was kind of a tango using what I so far felt or though women really wanted or was looking for in a man. It wasn't the real me, not really, truth is I am in many ways insecure as hell, but for that experiment I went all out, just to see what would happen, and I was SHOCKED, women actually started competing and fussing and fighting over me. I never used it again because I do not want to go into any relationships that most likely would crash once the honeymoon period of getting to honestly know each other was over, but it did teach me if I really really wanted too I could attract a female, simply by letting them think they see what they think they want to see.

that makes a sad statement about the state of relationships and what attracts people to each other. it makes me think of love and relationships as two sides of a counterfeit coin.