rick42 wrote:
ProfessorJohn wrote:
I haven't read this entire thread but I think answer to this is rather obvious. The stats alone show that being as Aspie doesn't lead to a lot of romantic success. The marriage rate is much lower for Aspie men than NT men. Aspie men have had fewer girlfriends across their lifetime compared to NT men, same with sex partners.
Is there any romance or relationship stat where Aspies even come close to NTs on?
Is because women just see Aspie men as rejects or losers? Even when comparing aspie men and aspie women,it's clear that aspie women have far more success with dating and interacting with the opposite sex compared to than aspie men,and it's not even remotely close. Being unemployed does play a factor why aspie men struggle with dating so much.However,even then,there's aspie men like myself who had/have a job and still couldn't get any female attention.People tend to blame men for why they struggle with dating without looking at the set of circumstances that may be outside of their control. They fail to understand/accept that having certain issues,like having Aspergers Syndrome, having bad Genetics,being a ethic minority,living in a certain area,being a virgin after a certain age,low social status,etc will put men in a disadvantage dating wise. With the dating game being so favorable towards women nowadays,unless you're a Chad/Brad,you're going to have a harder time attracting women anyway.Then add being a aspie male,it appears to be a hopeless/pointless endeavor to even bothering trying to date or even conversing with women for that matter.
Quite a few aspie males have success, with NT females.
Even Fnord found a luving partner, for goodness sake.
I think you are being too binary, here.
Well, I *know* you are.
Keep in mind,
A lot of NT females don't find a life partner either.
And many who end up in a relationship, ultimately wished they hadn't.
I don't know what the figures are these days,
But a 1/3 to 2/3s of marriages/defacto-relationships failed, back "in my day".
I think you need more objectivity to see the total picture.
Here, have some.