pensieve wrote:
Blatherskite wrote:
Would say 23 but I lost it on Sunday. Also had to fake the old orgasm... god damn, aren't only women supposed to fake? Isn't that the way god intended? I was going on for like 10 minutes or something and it was like, "Man, this is taking too f***ing long." I have to admit I do find that something would've been cool or romantic or daring about not losing it until I was 29.
It takes longer than 10 minutes to reach an orgasm. Take it as a compliment. You don't need help to last longer.
Women have to fake it because most women can't orgasm through penetration alone. I think it's something like 70% of women that can't.
I've never faked it though.
I think most women can. I really think when they don't its cause they don't feel comfortable in the situation. And some people have sex in silence almost. That can never really work. Well once it did, mind you I have a 100% record
But na, you have to find out what the lady likes and if she's ok. If they're just lying on their back, wishing they were somewhere else, then they're bound not to have an orgasm.